Rumors Hint at New Pokemon Remakes in 2021
A credible source has leaked rumors of an exciting 25th anniversary for Pokemon in 2021, perhaps even ending the year with long awaited Diamond and Pearl remakes.

Pokemon’s 25th Anniversary is rapidly approaching. This February 27th, 2021, will mark the twenty-fifth year since the original Pokemon games were released in 1996. This may feel early for fans outside of Japan, however, as it was not until 1998 that the games were released in North America and Australia, and 1999 in Europe.
Several planned Pokemon games have already been announced, such as the New Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Unite, but many fans are hoping for a new addition to the main series games, and perhaps a remake of the classic Diamond and Pearl games.

With the recent remakes being Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, there is little doubt that the Pokemon Company will eventually release Diamond and Pearl remakes, the main question is when will they be released. According to some recent leaks, it could be next November.
Twitter user @KeliosFR, who has reportedly leaked some credible Nintendo information earlier in 2020, tweeted that there will be a Pokemon remake next November.
Of course, this information is only a rumor, so it should not be taken as fact just yet.
However, with the major anniversary for Pokemon only months away, it would make sense for the franchise to want to release some exciting titles to celebrate. New Pokemon Snap and other games will certainly draw in fans, but the anniversary would not feel quite right without a full main series Pokemon game.

A few different titles have shown up across the internet, Pokemon Max Diamond & Max Pearl, clearly hinting at the dynamax feature introduced in Sword & Shield, as well as Adamant Diamond & Lustrous Pearl, which seem like a mouthful.
Ultimately, it is unlikely that any of this information will be confirmed for some time. Perhaps the Pokemon Company will make some major announcements on Pokemon Day in February, but for now fans will be left to speculate.
What are your thoughts on all of this? Are you excited to potentially revisit the Sinnoh region of Diamond & Pearl? Leave a comment down below!