Replays Don’t Work in Forza Motorsport (FM) Explained
In this guide, you will learn what the bug is that causes replays to not work in Forza Motorsport. Read our article to learn more.

Forza Motorsport (called Forza Motorsport 8 by some, due to the old numbering of the series) is a long-awaited racing game that debuted on October 10, 2023 on PC and XSX. In the game, you can sit behind the wheel of about 500 cars and race on well-known tracks both agains the AI and in multiplayer mode. Unfortunately, the title has a bit of annoying bugs that can spoil the pleasure of gameplay. In this guide you will learn, what is the bug that causes replays to not work in Forza Motorsport.
Replays do not work in Forza Motorsport (FM)
After completing a race, you can watch and save a replay, which players usually do when they manage to beat the other drivers or when some funny situation worth immortalizing occurs. Unfortunately, it often happens so, that the replay doesn't work and you can only see standing cars that don't start and the sounds made by the spectatators can be heard in the background. Players also complain about situations in which vehicles on the replay "fly away like a helicopter" or the message "downloading replay" that lasts indefinitely appears.
These are well-known and unfortunately common bugs, so if you have encountered them, you are not alone.. At the moment there is no known solution to the problem. Therefore, you have to wait for a patch, in which they will be fixed. It is not yet known when the update for Forza Motorsport will be released, but it can be assumed that you will not have to wait long for it, as other bugs can also be found in the game. In the case of replays, for example, there is also a frequent situation where cars change color when replaying.
More information about Forza Motorsport can be found below.
- Shaders Optimizing Issues in Forza Motorsport (FM) Explained
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