Remnant 2 - Bleed Build Explained
If you're looking for a unique type of combat in Remnant 2, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we discuss and explain Bleed Build.

Remnant 2 is a game where each player can stand out from the rest thanks to the various builds. One of these is the Bleed Build, which passively deals damage over time to opponents and reduces healing effectiveness. If you are thinking about trying this type of combat, you have come to the right place.
Bleed Build – Key Items
In Remnant 2, each new component can significantly improve any build. However, to think about creating a well-functioning Bleed Build, you need to have 2 key items. This includes a Long Gun and Amulet, which you can only obtain from the Corrupted Ravager. To get both items, you must meet him twice (it’s required to start a new game or roll the world in Adventure Mode).

- Long gun: Merciless - this is a weapon that imposes a bleed status. You can get it if you do not accept Corrupted Ravager's offer. After that, attack him and then let him eat The Doe during the boss fight.
- Amulet: Ravager's Mark - this boosts the damage dealt by 20%, if you deal damage to targets that are currently bleeding. The bonus increases to 30% if the target has less than 50% HP (remember that procents can change in the future updates). You can get it if you accept the Corrupted Ravager offer and kill The Doe.
Additional Items for Bleed Build in Remnant 2
Once you have the key items, you should focus on selecting the right archetypes, abilities, and rings:
- Archetypes: Hunter and Handler,
- Skills: Hunter's Mark and Attack Dog,
- Rings: Blood Tinged Ring, Timekeeper’s Jewel, Burden of the Destroyer and Blood Jewel.
Hunter's Mark will allow you to mark enemies and deal more damage to them, while Attack Dog will increase the damage of all allies by 20%. What's more, the dog's attacks also apply bleeding.
As for rings, Blood Tinged will regenerate 2 health points when you are within 10 meters of an enemy who is currently bleeding. Blood Jewel will improve your charged melee attacks by applying bleeding status. A great addition to this is Burden of the Destroyer - it reduces the weapon's ideal range by 25%, but enhances the damage dealt by 15%, which makes it perfect for medium and close-range combat. The final touch is Timekeeper's Jewel, which extends the duration of any statuses you apply.
Read also:
- Remnant 2 Guide
- Remnant 2 – How to Get Archon Armor; Bug Explained
- Remnant 2 – How to Make Nimue Sleep
More:Remnant 2 Guide