Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart PC Superior to PS5 Version? Digital Foundry Answers
Digital Foundry checked how the PC port of Sony's console hit, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, debuting today, fares.

Today marks the launch of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart's PC port, oryginally released onPlayStation 5.
For this reason, Digital Foundry decided to publish an almost hour-long visual analysis, in which they checked how the PC port prepared by Nixxes Software compares with the PS5 original.
In addition, the video compared the game's performance on PC using specifications that meet maximum and minimum system requirements. Take a look for yourself.
Three machines
For graphics testing, Digital Foundry members used three machines: two PCs and a PlayStation 5 console.
- The first computer, which ran the game with all the graphic bells and whistles at 4K resolution, was equipped with a Core i9-12900K, a GeForce RTX 4090 and 32 GB of fast DDR5 memory.
- The second rig, which was used to run the game at minimum settings, had a Ryzen 3 3100, a 4 GB Radeon RX 570 and 8 GB of DDR4 RAM.
- On the PlayStation 5 console, the game ran in performance mode, preferred by most gamers.
DF's analysis took into account the appearance and performance of the game during five stages, including a parade or a dynamic chase sequence.
It's not bad, but a little short of perfect
Although Digital Foundry members stipulate that this is not a full review of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart's PC port (which is supposed to be on the way), at this point there are many indications that the developers at Nixxes Software have at least done their job properly.
- The game runs well and fairly stable on PC =, except for minor clipping, for which a problem with the Radeon drivers or inadequate management of the game's CPU resources is supposed to be responsible.
- The low-spec PC did quite a good job handling the game on low settings, offering performance from 30 to 60 frames per second (most often the counter indicates around 55-60 fps) at 720p resolution;
- It is interesting to note that in places Ratchet's port looks better than the PS5 original. For example, running the game on a fast PC, you will notice increased crowd density compared to the console version.
- On the other hand there is no shortage of situations and locations in which it is the PS5 version that comes out on top, for example, in reflections.
- The game debuted without any major bugs.
- Unfortunately, the PC edition of Ratchet also has its shortcomings, such as the fact that maximum graphics settings lack transparency effects that are present on the PS5, or the fact that filtering of some textures does not work at 100%.
- The more significant problem of the PC port, however, is expected to be occasional textures loading in front of the player's eyes - which did not happen on Sony's console.
Digital Foundry noted in its summary that although the PC version of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is impressive in terms of visuals, the game could use another month or two of polishing, though. That leaves us waiting for patches.