PS5 Said to be More Expensive Than XSX; Weak Spot Discovered
Insider known as Dusk Golem wrote on the ResetEra forum that PlayStation 5 will be more expensive than Xbox Series X. He also pointed out a weakness in Sony's console, which is to be poor hardware optimization for multi-platform games.
We know almost everything about the next-gen consoles, the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Currently, the biggest secret is the prices of both devices and their exact release dates. A comment tn the first case - a thread on ResetEra forum about what Microsoft can offer to compete with Sony - was provided by insider Dusk Golem (known, among others, from leaks on games from CAPCOM). According to him, PlayStation 5 will be more expensive than the new Xbox, as Microsoft's manufacturing costs can pay for itself in many different ways. He also pointed out that the PS5 will be performing much worse with multi-platform games.
"[...] I'll just say the Xbox X is by far more powerful than the PS5 if we're just talking raw power, multi-platform games will run better on Xbox X is something people are going to have to prepare themselves for. Add to this Microsoft are ready to lowball Sony when it comes to price. They can more easily make a sacrifice and get back profits from Game Pass than console sales than Sony can from that comparatively."
It's worth looking at the insider's initial statement. The first example of how badly the PS5 is doing was reportedly already seen in the trailer of Resident Evil Village, which was shown on The Future of Gaming presentation. In fact, if we look at the scenes from the first minute, we will easily notice a significant fps drop in the video. Dusk Golem says that this is what the condition of multi-platform games on PlayStation 5 was like a month ago.
"The basic gist of what I've heard is the PS5 is really good to work on for games exclusive to it, but in practice the specs kinda' get weird for multi-platform games. [...] I've heard some dev friends talk a bit about the struggle PS5 has for 1080p games running 60fps still, while Xbox X doesn't have the same problem and can push above that even in most cases.
I'm talking about Resident Evil Village. The game's terrible performance at the PS5 reveal event with the terrible frame rate present in the trailer was kinda' the current status of the game on PS5 as of a few months ago. The thing is, apparently the game runs perfectly on Xbox X, they've been having some troubles getting the frame rate stable on PS5 (which as Sony had a rule to record the PS5 event gameplay on PS5, lead to the weird frame showing in that trailer)"
Of course, the information provided by the user should not be taken for granted and official. However, they have some grounding in reality - on paper, the Xbox Series X i more powerful, and the thesis that Microsoft can afford a lower price of the console was definitely not a lie. However, we will have to wait until the launch of both devices to give our verdicts. These are to hit the store shelves later this year during the Holiday period.