Predecessor - Characters and Classes Guide; Heroes Explained
If you want to get to know the characters and classes of Predecessor better, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we'll talk about heroes.

Predecessor is a new game in the MOBA genre. It is currently in early access, but already has 20 playable characters. In this guide we will discuss all heroes and classes.
Remember that Predecessor is an early access game, so the information provided here may become outdated over time.
If you are interested in this article, please also take a look at our heroes tier list: Predecessor - Heroes Tier List
- Drongo
- Feng Mao
- The Fey
- Gadget
- Gideon
- Howitzer
- Kallari
- Khaimera
- LT. Belica
- Murdock
- Muriel
- Narbash
- Rampage
- Sevarog
- Sparrow
- Steel
- Grux
- Riktor
- Dekker
- Crunch

- Basic information – Drongo is a character with a very strong Basic Attack, unfortunately the rest of his stats don't look so impressive anymore.
- Hero Class – Ranger
- Roles – Carry
- Wastelander (Passive) – Drongo’s abilities deal increased damage equal to 30% of his critical chance. Drongo’s Critical strikes and abilities also apply a Bleed to Enemies, dealing 1% of their maximum health as physical damage over 3s.
- Pistol Shot (basic attack) – Ranged basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Old Rusty (Alternate Ability) – throw a boomerang, dealing 45/65/85/105/125 (+40% Physical power) damage to all enemies hit and slowing them by 20% for 1s. Upon hitting terrain or travelling max range, it returns and repeats the effects. CD: 8; Cost: 60/65/70/75/80.
- Gag Grenade – Toss a tear gas grenade that persists for 3s, silencing all enemy heroes inside the area until they leave. They will be silenced again upon re-entering the gas. CD: 24/22/20/18/16; Cost: 80/85/90/95/100.
- Rad Rounds (Secondary Ability) – Irradiate Drongo’s basic attacks for 3s. During this window, shots irradiate enemies for 1,5s, the timer refreshing with each hit. After Irradiate expires, the target receives 30/50/70/90/110 (+40% physical power) physical damage for the first stack, and 15/20/25/30/35 (+40% physical power) for subsequent stacks. CD: 16; Cost: 40/45/50/55/60.
- Shrapnel Cannon (Ultimate Ability) – bazooka blast, dealing 175/275/375 (+60% physical power) physical damage to all enemies hit and shredding their armour by 35% for 8s. The blast launches Drogo in the opposite direction and pushes back enemies in front of him. CD: 110/100/90; Cost: 100
Feng Mao

- Basic information – Feng Mao is a very mobile hero. He also has a decent Basic Attack and Ability Power.
- Hero Class – Assassin
- Roles – Jungle, Offlane
- Precision Strike (Passive) – upon not dealing or receiving damage for 3s, Feng Mao’s next basic attack is enhanced dealing +8% of the target's current health as bonus physical damage. Resets on takedown.
- Sweep (Basic Attack) — Melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Reaping Dash (Alternate Ability) – Dash forward dealing 65/95/125/155/185 (+60% Physical Power) physical damage to all enemies in his path and in small area around the target location. CD: 20/18,5/17/16,5/14. Cost: 80.
- Safeguard (Primary Ability) – Gain a 100/135/170/205/240 (+100% Physical Power) shield for 2,5s. Feng Mao gains 15 (+25%) movement speed while the shield holds. CD: 10. Cost: 60.
- Hamstring (Secondary Ability) – Feng Mao swings his glaive dealing 80/120/160/200/240 (+80 Physical Power) physical damage to all enemies around him, slowing them by 30% for 1s. Dealing damage to an enemy hero with Blade Dance reduces the current cooldown of Reaping Dash by 75%. CD: 10/9/8/7/6. Cost: 50
- Earth Shatter (Ultimate Ability) – Feng Mao slams his blade onto the ground dealing 176/300/424 (+80 Physical Power) physical damage to all enemies in the area. If an enemy is below 220/375/530 (+100% Physical Power) (+250%) health, execute them. Upon executing enemy hero, Earth Shatter may be recast within 12s at no cost. CD: 120/100/80. Cost: 100.
The Fey

- Basic information – The Fey is a character with a strong focus on Ability Power, sacrificing other skills in the process.
- Hero Class: Mage
- Roles: Midlane
- Nature’s Vengance (Passive) – Each time The Fey achieves a takedown she spawns an Untamed Growth from the enemy heroe’s corpse and gains -15% movement speed for 5s.
- Floret (Basic Attack) – Ranged basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Untamed Growth (Alternate Ability) – Hurl a small plant that deals 130/190/250/310/370 (+100 Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies that touch them and slowing them by 30% for 0,5s. Untamed Growth deals 50% of its damage over its lifetime, and 50% upon exploding. CD: 12/11/10/9/8, Cost 80/85/90/95/100.
- Bramble Patch (Primary Ability) – Summon a patch of thorny brambles, dealing 80/120/160/200/240 (+55% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies that touch them and slowing them by 30% for 0,5s. Bramble Patch persists for 5s before wilting. CD: 12/11,5/11/10,5/10, Cost 70/80/90/100/110.
- Harvest Nettles (Secondary Ability) – Throw an orb of energy, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+60 Magical Power) magical damage. Hitting the same target within 6s deals 18% increased damage, stacking up to 3 times. HN refunds 75% of its mana cost upon hitting an enemy hero or killing a unit. CD: 4, Cost: 80.
- Fly Trap (Ultimate Ability) – Plant a magical seeding awakening a giant fly trap that attaches itself to nearby enemy heroes. After a brief delay, it pulls it victims inwards, dealing 200/275/350 (+60 Magical Power) magical damage and Srunning them for 1.4s. CD: 120/105/90, Cost: 100.

- Basic Information – Gadget is another character who focuses on using Ability Power.
- Hero Class: Mage
- Roles: Midlane
- Shock Absorber (Passive) – when Gadget receives damage from an enemy hero or monster, she gains a shield equal to 12% of her maximum mana for 3s. Upon removal, the shield explodes, dealing 80 (+8 per level) (+60% Magical Power) magical damage to nearby enemies.
- Spark (Basic Attack) – ranged basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Seek and Destroy (Alternate Ability) – release an airborne droid that can be reactivated mid-flight to stop it in place. Upon stopping the droid deals 100/160/220/280/340 (+100% Magical Power) magical damage over 2,5s, to enemies beneath it and slows them by 30%. CD: 10/9,5/9/8,5/8. Cost: 80/85/90/95/100.
- Sticky Mine (Primary Ability) – launch a sticky mine that attaches to any enemy hero in its path, or any nearby unit upon landing. After 2.5 seconds, the mine explodes, dealing 85/135/185/235/285 (+65% Magical Power) magical damage. CD: 8/7,5/7/6,5/6. Cost: 80/85/90/95/100.
- Security Gate (Secondary Ability) – throw down an electrical gate for 5s, granting allied units that pass through 30% decaying movement speed for 3 seconds. If an enemy hero passes through, the gate triggers, dealing 80/120/160/200/240 (+60% Magical Power) magical damage and rooting them for 1.25s. CD: 18/17/16/15/14, Cost: 50
- Tesla Dome (Ultimate Ability) – unleash Tesla Dome, dealing 500/750/1,000 (+150% Magical Power) magical damage over 5s to enemies caught within. Each instance of damage shreds the target’s magical armour by 5% for 5s and briefly slows them by 40%. CD: 110/95/80. Cost: 100/125/150.

- Basic Information – Choose Gideon if you want to play a hero with very good Ability Power and Mobility.
- Hero Class: Mage
- Roles: Midlane
- Cosmic Power (Passive) – damaging an enemy hero with an ability empowers Gideon's next basic attack for 4s, allowing him to attach a cosmic tether to his target. Tethered enemies are slowed by 20% and receive 36 (+60% Magical Power) magical damage over 3s.
- Portal Blast (Basic Attack) – ranged basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Void Breach (Alternate Ability) – launch forward a comet dealing 90/125/160/195/230 (+60% Magical Power) magical damage enemies in its path and slowing them by 20% for 1.5s. The comet explodes upon hitting an enemy hero, terrain or at max range. CD: 9. Cost: 60/70/80/90/100.
- Cosmic Rift (Primary Ability) – Rip down a meteor from the sky, dealing 90/145/200/255/310 (+70% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies in the area. CD: 13/12/11/10/9. Cost: 80/85/90/95/100.
- Torn Space (Secondary Ability) – Go through portal and appear at the target location. The portal remains open for 5s. Other heroes can jump too, but enemies are slowed by 50% for 1,5s. CD: 22/20/18/16/14, Cost: 60.
- Black Hole (Ultimate Ability) – unleash a black hole that slowly drags enemies towards it, dealing 540/810/1,080 (+240% Magical Power) magical damage over 3.5s channel. CD: 110/95/80. Cost 100.

- Basic Information – Howitzer is a hero who has very good Ability Power and solid mobility.
- Hero Class: Mage
- Roles: Midlane
- Armed Salvo (Passive) – Howitzer's next basic attack deals 25 (+30% Magical Power) bonus magical damage around the target. Howitzer restores 10% of the damage dealt as mana, increasing to 50% for enemy heroes. Using an ability reduces the cooldown by 5s. CD: 16.
- Cannon (Basic Attack) – ranged basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Slow Grenades (Alternate Ability) – launch 16 proximity bombs that explodes, dealing 30/60/90/120/150 (+25% Magical Power) magical damage and slowing enemies by 15/20/25/30/35% for 1s. Next hits against the same target deal 5/10/15/20/25 (+4% Magical Power) magical damage and reapply the slow. CD: 16. Cost: 70/80/90/100/110.
- R2000 Missile – long range rocket that deals 70/120/170/220/270 (+70% Magical Power) magical damage to enemies in a small area. CD: 10/9/8/7/6, Cost: 80/90/100/110/120.
- Land Mine (Secondary Ability) – lob a mine that will explode after 2,5s, dealing 80/110/140/170/200 (+50% Magical Power) magical damage, knocking back enemy heroes (and Howitzer). Explodes upon reactivation. CD: 20/18/16/14/12, Cost: 60.
- Make it Rain —thrust up into the sky, allowing Howitzer to move freely and shoots 12 laser guided missiles dealing 420/600/780 (+108% Magical Power) magical damage over 3s. CD: 130/115/100. Cost: 100.

- Basic information – Kallari's speciality is Ability power. In addition, she features a solid Basic Attack and Mobility.
- Hero Class: Assassin
- Roles: Jungle, Offlane
- Shadow Dance (Passive) – Kallari can jump up to 2 additional times while mid-air, thrusting her in the direction of movement.
- Slash – melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Crippling Dagger (Alternate Ability) – throw a dagger, dealing 65/85/105/125/145 (+90% Physical Power) physical damage and applying a 20% slow for 1s. Monsters receive 80 additional damage. Max charges: 2. CD: 11/10/9/8/7, Cost: 30.
- Shadow Walk (Primary Ability) – After 1.5s, Kallari enters Camouflage and moving 20% faster for 8/9/10/11/12s. Her next basic attack in this state deals 60/80/100/120/140 (+30% Physical Power) bonus physical damage. Nearby Enemy heroes and Wards reveal Kallari. Attacking ends Camouflage instantly. CD: 8/7/6/5/4, Cost: 40.
- Death Mark (Secondary Ability) – empowers next attack within 5s to mark the first enemy hero or monster hit, increasing her damage against them by 15%. After 3s, the mark detonates, dealing 40/65/90/115/140 +8 (+4 Physical Power) of target's missing health as true damage, and granting her 50% decaying movement speed for 3s. CD: 120/90/60, Cost: 100.
- Guillotine (Ultimate Ability) – after a brief delay Kallari dashes forward dealing 180/350/520 (+120/135/150% Physical Power) physical damage to all enemies in her path. CD: 120/90/60, Cost: 100.

- Basic information – Khaimera is a versatile character whose strongest point is Basic Attack.
- Hero Class: Fighter
- Roles: Jungle
- Spirit Regeneration (Passive) – Damaging opponents grants Khaimera 0.7 health regeneration for 2.5s, stacking up to 30 times. Hero kills grant 10 stacks instantly. Above 15 stacks, Khaimera gains 10% movement speed.
- Hack (Basic Attack) – melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Ambush (Alternate Ability) – leap to a target, dealing 50/75/100/125/150 (+80% Physical Power) physical damage and slowing them by 30% for 1.5s. Deals up to 2x damage based on the target's missing health. Grants 3 Spirit Regeneration stacks on hit. CD: 10/9/8/7/6, Cost: 40/45/50/55/60.
- Unleash (Primary Ability) – maximum attack speed for 5 successful attacks within 3s. Each basic Attack deals 10/17/24/31/38 (+35% Physical Power) physical damage and cleaves nearby enemies for 50% damage. CD: 13/11/9/7/5, Cost: 40
- Invigorate (Secondary Ability) - Khaimera cleanses debuffs and heals himself for 7/9/11/13/15% of his maximum health (+1.5x current health regeneration). Cleansing grants Crowd Control Immunity for 0.5s.
- Cull (Ultimate Ability) – after a brief channel, Khaimera slices enemies in front of him, stunning them for 1.25s and dealing 175/375/575 (+160% Physical Power) physical damage over 6 hits. Grants 5 Spirit Regenerations stacks fir each Enemy Hero hit. CD: 110/85/60, Cost: 100.
LT. Belica

- Basic information – if you are looking for a hero with powerful Ability Power, you have found the right person.
- Hero Class: Mage
- Roles: Midlane, Support
- Innovation (Passive) – Lt. Belica's abilities gain additional strength at maximum rank. Additionally, she gains 10% increased maximum mana each time she maxes out an ability.
- Burst Fire (Basic Attack) – ranged basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Void Bomb (Alternate Ability) – Place a bomb that detonates after a short delay, dealing 80/125/170/215/260 (+65/80% Magical Power) magical damage. Restores 6/8/10/12/14 mana for each enemy hit. Innovation: Magical power scaling increases to (80% Magical Power). CD: 6, COST: 60/80/100/120/140.
- Seismic Assault (Primary Ability) – generate a seismic wave that deals 80/115/150/185/220 (+65% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies in its path, knocking up and stunning them for 1.1/1.6s. Innovarion: stun lasts for 1.6s. CD: 16/15,5/15/14,5/14, Cost: 70/75/80/85/90.
- Void Drone (Secondary Ability) – deploy a drone for 10s that drains 3/3.75/4.5/5.25/6% of nearby enemy heroes’ current mana each second and attacks them when they cast an ability, dealing 40/55/70/85/100 (+20% Magical Power) magical damage. Innovation: drone’s attacks drains 4% of the target's maximum mana. CD: 25, Cost: 60/70/80/90/100.
- Neural Disruptor (Ultimate Ability) – target an enemy hero, dealing 150/225/300 (+40% Magical Power) magical damage. Damage increases by 0.5/0.55/0.6 for each point of mana the target is missing. Innovation: range increases by 300 units.

- Basic information – this character can do a bit of everything, but by far his strongest point is Basic Attack.
- Hero Class: Ranger
- Roles: Carry
- Shots Fired (Passive) – every 14,5s Murdock's next basic attack has its range increased by 450 units and I empowered with 30% additional physical penetration. Successful Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown by 1.5s.
- Single Fire (Basic Attack) – ranged basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Buckshot (Alternate Ability) – shotgun blast, dealing 75/112.5/150/162.5/200 (+112.5/125/137.5/150/162.5% Physical Power) physical damage, decreasing by up to 60% based on distance. The blast pushes enemies back, its force increasing at close range. CD: 14/13/12/11/10, Cost: 60/65/70/75/80.
- Static Trap (Primary Ability) – place a trap that arms after a short delay. Dealing 80/120/160/200/240 (+100% Physicall Power) magical damage to any enemy hero that steps on it and rooting them for 1.25s. Trap lasts for 60s and up to 3/4/5 may be placed at one time. Max charges: 2. CD: 20/17/14/11/8. Cost: 20.
- Stimpack (Secondary Ability) –inject stimulant, granting Murdock 50/80/110/140/170 (+100% Physical Power) additional current and maximum health, 104/105/106/107/108% movement speed and slow immunity for 5s. Stimpack activates automatically if Murdock drops below 30% maximum health. CD: 20/18/16/14/12, Cost: 80
- Long Arm of the Law (Ultimate Abilities) – sniper shot with unlimited range that can travel through anything. Upon firing it deals 200/325/450 (+110% Physical Power) physical damage to all enemies in its path, ignoring any physical armour. CD: 100/85/70, Cost: 100

- Basic information – Muriel is a versatile character. She does not have any exceptionally strong trait, at the same time it cannot be said that she is very weak in anything.
- Hero Class: Support
- Roles: Support
- Sentinel (Passive) – Muriel's basic attacks deal an additional 10 (+2 per level) (+15% Magical Power) magic damage on hit. Allies affected by Muriel's abilities are granted Sentinel’s on-hit damage for the duration.
- Orb (Basic attack) – ranged basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Alacrity (Alternate Ability) – throw an orb that applies a 40/65/90/115/140 shield to the first allied hero it touches, granting them 10/12.5/15/17.5/20 (+10% Magical Power)% attack speed and 20% decaying movement speed for 4s. Remains in the world for 8s if untouched. CD: 12/11/10/9/8, Cost: 60.
- Serenity (Primary Ability) – fore a piercing bolt of energy, dealing 80/115/150/185/220 (+50% Magical Power) magical damage to enemies in its path and slowing them by 25% for 2s. Slowed targets take 10% increased damage. CD: 12/11/10/9/8. Cost: 70/80/90/100/110.
- Consecrated Ground (Secondary Ability) – deploy a protective bubble that applies a 90/135/180/225/270 (+50% Magical Power) shield for 2.5s to allied heroes that enter its zone. After 1s the bubble explodes, dealing 60/80/100/120/140 (+40% Magical Power) magical damage to enemies in the area. CD: 16/14/12/10/8, Cost: 100/110/120/130/140.
- Reversal of Fortune (Ultimate Ability) – Muriel targets an ally hero anywhere in the world, granting them a 400/650/900 (+100% Magical Power) shield before soaring to their location. On arrival, nearby enemies take 150/225/300 (+50% Magical Power) magical damage and are knocked up for 1s. CD: 180/150/120, Cost: 100.

- Basic information – another fairly versatile hero in terms of stats. However, definitely his weaker side is Basic Attack.
- Hero Class: Support
- Roles: Support
- Beatdrop (Passive) – Narbash’s basic Attacks and abilities generate stacks of Rhythm that improve his abilities, stacking up to 24 times. Stacks fall of individually after 10s. At maximum stacks, gain 2 (+4 per nearby allied hero) mana regeneration for 5s.
- Wallop (Basic Attack) – Melee basic attack dealing physical damage. Grants 2 Rhythm stacks on hit.
- Thunk! (Alternate Ability) - toss a drumstick that deals 90/130/170/210/250 (+50% Magical Power) magical damage and stuns for 1.25s. Thunk's cooldown is reduced by 1% per Rhythm stack. Grants 2 Rhythm stacks on hit. CD: 17/17/15/14/13. Cost: 50.
- March! (Primary Ability) – grants Narbash and nearby allies 30% decaying movement speed for 2s (+0.2s per Rhythm stack). Narbash gains 4 stacks of Rhythm. Grants 6 Rhythm stacks on use. CD: 16/14/12/10/8. Cost: 60.
- Song of my People (Secondary Ability) – toggle: Play a soothing beat, healing hero and his nearby allies by 5/10/15/20/25 (+5% Magical Power)(+0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5 per Rhythm stack) per second. Each second costs 10/15/20/25/30 mana and grants 1 Rhythm stack. CD: 1, Cost: 10/15/20/25/30.
- Crash Bang Boom! (Ultimate Ability) – drum solo for 3s, granting Narbash 30% damage reduction. Nearby enemies are slowed by 40% and take 200/300/400 (+60% Magical Power)(+2% per Rhythm stack) magical damage over 10 hits, with the final hit knocking up enemies and stunning them for 1.5s. Grants 2 Rhythm stacks each hit. CD: 120/110/100, Cost: 100.

- Basic information – if you are looking for a character with high Durability, this is the perfect choice. This character will be able to be the living shield of your team.
- Hero Class: Fighter
- Roles: Jungle
- King of the Jungle (Passive) – Rampage gains 20% attack speed and (+0.35% maximum health) health regeneration while in the jungle. The health regeneration is 4s stronger out of combat.
- Swipe (Basic Attack) – Melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Pounce (Alternate Ability) – leap forward before slamming down, dealing 80/110/140/170/200 (+10% Health) physical damage to nearby enemies. The leap can be cancelled early by basic attacking. Behemoth: range increases by 65%. CD: 18/17/16/15/14, Cost: 80/85/90/95/100.
- Boulder Throw (Primary Ability)– rip and carry a boulder for up to 5s. Rampage can throw a bulder, dealing 90/140/190/240/290 (+80% Physical Power) magical damage to all enemies in its path. Stunning them for 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2s. Shatters on contact with enemy heroes. Behemoth: Throw the boulder instantly. CD: 18/17/16/14/12, Cost: 75.
- Rumble (Secondary Ability) – Pound the ground, dealing 100/140/180/220/260 (+60% Physical Power) physical damage over 2 hits to nearby enemies and slowing them by 20% for 1.25s. Behemoth: cooldown is decreased by 50%. CD: 8, Cost: 30.
- Behemoth (Ultimate Ability) – become enraged, growing in size and altering Rampage’s abilities for 8/9/10s. During this time he gains 200/350/500 maximum health. While Behemoth is active, Rampage gains the effect of King of the Jungle, and its health regeneration is multiplied by a factor of 4x. CD: 120/105/90. Cost: 100.

- Basic information – Sevarog is a character who specialises in a little bit of everything. However, you cannot expect a strong Basic Attack from this hero..
- Hero Class: Frontline
- Roles: Offlane
- Reaper of Souls (Passive) – Sevarog gains souls when he kills an enemy wit an ability. Each soul grants 2 bonus health and 0.5 additional siphon damage. Upon reaching 30/60/90/120 souls, Saverog gains 60/80/100/120 bonus health and 10 additional siphon damage.
- Crush (Basic Attack) – melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Phantom Rush (Alternate Ability) – Dash forward, gliding through any enemies in Sevarog’s path. CD: 24/21/18/15/12, Cost: 80.
- Siphon (Primary Ability) – strike forward, dealing 25/45/65/85/105 (+80% Physical Power) (+50% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies in front of Sevarog. Siphon heals Sevarog for 10% of the damage dealt to minions and monsters, increasing to 25% against enemy heroes. CD: 6/5.5/5/4.5/4, Cost: 25.
- Subjugate (Secondary Ability) – call down dark energy, dealing 100/135/170/205/240 (+50% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies in the area and rooting them for 1.25s. When the root expires, the targets will be slowed by 20% for 0.75s. CD 16/15/14/13/12, Cost: 60/65/70/75/80.
- Colossal Blow – Deliver a heavy blow from Savarog’s hammer, dealing 220/410/600 (+60% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies in front of him. Enemy heores struck by the blow are knocked back sending them flying. CD: 100/80/60. Cost: 100.

- Basic information – Sparrow has a powerful Basic Attack.
- Hero Class: Ranger
- Roles: Carry
- Relentless (Passive) – Sparrows Basic Attacks and Abilities apply stacks of Relentless to enemy Heroes. Her Basic Attacks against targets afflicted by Relentless deal an additional 0.5 fo their maximum health as bonus physical damage on-hit per stack. Relentless stacks last for 5s, stacking up to 8 times.
- Bow Shot (Basic Attack) – ranged basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Piercing Shot (Alternate Ability) – charge a terrain piercing arrow, reaching 50-100% maximum power after 1s and dealing up to 90/125/160/195/230 (+100% Physical Power) physical damage to all enemies in its path. Targets afflicted by relentless receive 10% additional damage per stack. CD 13/12/11/10/9, Cost: 50/60/70/80/90.
- Hail of Arrows (Primary Ability) – release a volley of arrows that rain down over 2.5s, dealing 80/110/140/170/200 (+150% Physical Power) physical damage to all enemies in the area over 5 hits. Enemies struck by Hail of Arrows are slowed by 20/25/30/35/40% for 0.8s. CD 14/13/12/11/10. Cost 60.
- Heighted Senses (Secondary Ability) – Sparrow gains 20/25/30/35/40% for 3s. Leading basic attacks while this skill is active extends its duration by 0.5s, up to a maximum of 6s. CD: 20/19/18/17/16, Cost: 40/45/50/55/60.
- Inner Fire (Ultimate Ability) – augment bow shot to realise a fan of 3 piercing arrows for 6s. During this time Sparrow gains 200 attack range, 10/25/40 physical power and 5/7.5/10% of bow shot’s damage. CD: 100/90/80. Cost 100.

- Basic information: Steel features decent Durability, Ability Power and Mobility. This means that it is a fairly versatile character. However, bear in mind that this character's Basic Attack leaves a lot to be desired.
- Hero Class: Frontline
- Roles: Offlane
- Battering Barrier (Passive) – each time Steel immobilizes an enemy hero with an ability, he gains a 10 (+2 Health) shield for 5s.
- Punch (Basic Attack) – melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Shield Bash (Alternate Ability) – swap forward with shield, dealing 50/80/110/140/170 (+50% Magical Power) (+5% of the target’s maximum health) magical damage to all enemies in front of him and stunning them for 0.5s. CD: 12/11/10/9/8. Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
- Bull Rush (Primary Ability) – charge forward, dealing 80/115/150/185/220 (+70% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies in his path. Enemy heroes struck by Bull Rush are knocked back. Monsters and minions are stunned for 2s. CD: 16/15/14/13/12, Cost: 60/65/70/75/80.
- Force Shield (Secondary Ability) – Deploy a disruptive wall of energy, blocking all incoming enemy projectiles for 5s. When an enemy hero first passes through the wall, they take 60/100/140/180/220 (+50% Magical Power) magical damage and are slowed by 10/15/20/25/30% for 0.75s. CD: 30/27/24/21/18, Cost: 60.
- Shield Slam (Ultimate Ability) – Leap into the sky, crashing down at the target location to deal 200/300/400 (+70% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies in the area, knocking them up and stunning them for 1.5s. CD: 130/105/80, Cost: 100.

- Basic information: Grux is a character who can definitely stand out with his strong Basic Attack. He also has slightly developed other stats, although they are not very powerful.
- Hero Class: Fighter
- Roles: Offlane, Jungle
- Bloodlust (Passive) – Grux’s Basic Attack apply a Bleed on-hit, dealing 5 (+10% Physical Power) physical damage over 5s, stacking up to 6 times. Applying maximum Bloodlust stacks to an enemy hero grants Grux 10% omnivamp for 5s.
- Chop (Basic Attack) – melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Double Pain (Alternate Ability) – Grux cleaves all enemies in front of him, dealing 10/30/50/70/90 (+110% Physical Power) physical damage. Double Pain applies on-hit effects twice. CD: 10/9/8/7/6, Cost: 30.
- Smash ‘N Grab (Primary Ability) – smash the ground sending fotth a shockwave that Pills all enemies in its path towards Grux, dealing 90/125/160/195/230 (+70% Physical Power) physical damage and stunning them for 0.5s. CD: 22/21/20/19/18, Cost: 100.
- Crush (Secondary Ability) – lunge forward a short distance before uppercutting nearby enemies, dealing 70/100/130/160/190 (+80% Physical Power) physical damage and knocking them up for 0.75s. Colliding with enemy heroes or monsters causes Grux to strike on impact. CD: 18/17/16/15/14, Cost: 50.
- Warlord’s Challenge (Ultimate Ability) – stun all nearby enemy heroes for 0.5s. For the next 8/10/12s Grux gains 30/50/70% attack speed and empowers his attacks against enemy heroes to repeatedly steal 4/6/8 physical power on-hit, returning after 4s. CD: 100/80/60, Cost: 100.

- Basic information: Riktor has very good Durability and Ability Power. However, you have to accept that his Mobility and -Basic Attack are not among the best.
- Hero Class: Support
- Roles: Support, Offlane
- Riot Shield (Passive) – Riktor passively shields himself for 12% of his maximum health. The shield lasta until destroyed and refreshes if Riktor has not taken damage in the last 8s.
- Whip (Basic Attack) – melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Riplash(Alternate Ability) – launch Riktor’s chain forward, attaching to the first enemy hit, dealing 50/80/110/140/170 (+100% Magical Power) (+8% of the target’s maximum health) magical damage and pulling them towards him. CD: 19/18/17/16/15, Cost: 100.
- Shock Therapy (Primary Ability) – Swing an electrified whip, dealing 60/100/140/180/220 (+40% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies hit and silencing them for 1.25s. CD: 8, Cost: 40/45/50/55/60.
- Electrocute (Secondary Ability) – Emit an electrical aura, granting Riktor 10% movement speed and dealing 110/155/190/235/180 (+8% Health) (+60% Magical Power) magical damage to all nearby enemies over 5s. CD: 8, Cost: 60/70/80/90/100.
- Skewer (Ultimate Ability) – Unleash a torrent of chains from Riktor, dealing 125/175/225 (+50% Magical Power) magical damage to all enemies in front of him and stunning them for 1.5s. After the stun expires Riktor rips the chains out repeating the damage. Skewering an enemy hero grants riot shield.

- Basic Information – Mobility and Ability Power are the strengths of this character.
- Hero Class: Support
- Roles: Support
- Rocket Boots (Passive) – Dekker can jump while airborne to activate Rocket Boots, propelling her upward. Rocket Boots’ cooldown is reduced by 3s each time Dekker uses an ability.
- Energy Orb (Basic Attack) – ranged basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Stasis Bomb (Alternate Ability) Launch a bouncing bomb, dealing 80/115/150/185/220 (+50% Magical Power) magical damage and stunning enemies hit in a small area for 0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9/1s. Stun duration increases up to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2s based on distance (3500 units max). CD: 16/15/14/13/12, Cost: 60/65/70/75/80.
- Photon Disruptor (Primary Ability) – release a drone that emits a beam of energy.
- Containment Fence (Secondar Ability) – Deploy a circular energy fence for 2.25/2.5/2.75/3/3.25s preventing enemy heroes from passing through. CD: 23/22/21/20/19, Cost: 80/90/100/110/120.
- Ion Strike (Ultimate Ability) – Summon a bot aboce the target location that blasts the ground after a short delay, dealing 160/250/340 (+80% Magical Power) magical damage and slowing enemies hit by 50% for 1.5s. Enemies caught in a centre are stunned instead. CD: 100/90/80, Cost: 100.

- Basic information: Crunch is quite an all-round hero who does particularly well in terms of Mobility.
- Hero Class: Fighter
- Roles: Offlane, Jungle
- Cross Crunch (Passive) – after creating an ability, Crunch amplifies his next basic attack to deal (+20% Physical Power) (+20% Magical Power) bonus magical damage and reduce his current cooldowns by 1s.
- Punch (Basic Attack) – melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
- Forward Crunch (Alternate Ability) – dash forward dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+90% Physical Power) (+40% Magical Power) physical damage. Colliding with an enemy hero stops Crunch, and stuns them for 0.25s. Empowered: dash an extended distance, pushing enemy heroes on contact. CD: 18, Cost: 80.
- Left Crunch (Primary Ability) – Crunch swings, dealing 30/60/90/120//150 180 (+115% Physical Power) (+65% Magical Power) physical damage to the first enemy hit and 80% to subsequent targets. Empowered: damage is dealt as true damage and deals 100% to subsequent targets. CD: 11/10/9/8/7, Cost: 30.
- Right Crunch (Secondary Ability) – Crunch jabs 70/110/150/190/230 (+80% Physical Power) (+40% Magical Power) physical damage to all nearby enemies, slowing them by 60% for 1.2s. Empowered: Uppercut nearby enemies, knocking them up for 1.2s. CD: 11/10/9/8/7, Cost: 30.
- Re-Crunch (Ultimate Ability) – Passive: Every third basic attack or ability hit heals Crunch for 30/85/140 (+25% Physical Power). Every third ability used will be Empowered if used within 10s. Active: Repeat the last basic ability used. CD: 60/45/30.
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