Patching of Pharaoh Remake Continues and Slowly Yields Results

The developers of Pharaoh: A New Era are not giving up. The game received another patch today, which the community seems happy with. This is slowly starting to translate into the title's rating on Steam.

Hubert Sledziewski

Although February's Pharaoh: A New Era - a remake of the iconic Pharaoh, enhanced with the Cleopatra: Queen of the Nile expansion - did not experience the nine Egyptian plagues, but on the day of its release it had quite a few bugs and shortcomings. Of the latter, particularly acute proved to be the absence of a minimap and the ability to rotate the camera - features quite important in the city-builders, and present in the original.

These and many other problems caused the percentage of positive player reviews on Steam to drop from 75% to 65% in the first week after release. Studio Triskell Interactive has rolled up its sleeves and started giving back to the Pharaoh what's Pharaoh's. This is how the game received such features as the aforementioned minimap or support for ultra-wide resolutions.

In addition, the developer eliminated a number of bugs and significantly improved the balance of Pharaoh: A New Era. The best proof of the developers' being busy is the fact that since the release they have rolled out as much as eight updates - both small hotfixes and "big" patches. The latest one was made available today. The list of changes introduced by this patch counts dozens of items - you can check it here.

The community seems satisfied. In the discussion going on under this post, we can find such comments:

"Well done! I am looking forward to the improvements of the military section."

"Oh yes. Many of the problems I had have been solved."

"More overlays? Great! I'll check them out as soon as I get back from work. Thanks for a decent update. Let's hope it continues [...]."

"Amazing! I think a lot of people have been waiting for this patch and will be happy with it. Thanks a lot! [...]"

It is worth adding that the developers not only answer fans' questions, but also seem to listen to them. This approach clearly pays off - 78% of the 74 reviews written by players on Steam over the past thirty days are positive. The overall result has been only slightly affected - favorable reviews account for 67% of the more than 2,700 issued - but it seems that Triskell Interactive is well on its way to making Pharaoh: A New Era a worthy remake.

  1. Pharaoh: A New Era on Steam

Pharaoh: A New Era

February 15, 2023

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Hubert Sledziewski

Author: Hubert Sledziewski

Has been writing professionally since 2016. He joined five years later - although he has known the service since he had access to the internet - to combine his love for words and games. Deals mainly with news and journalism. A sociologist by education, a gamer by passion. He started his gaming adventure at the age of four - with a Pegasus. Currently, prefers PC and demanding RPGs, but does not shy away from consoles or other genres. When he's not playing or writing, he enjoys reading, watching series (less often movies) and Premier League matches, listening to heavy music, and also walking the dog. Almost uncritically loves the work of Stephen King. Does not abandon plans to follow in his footsteps. However, he keeps his first "literary achievements" locked away deep in a drawer.

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