Outpost Infinity Siege - Console (Xbox, PS4, PS5) Release Explained
Are you interested in Outpost Infinity Siege? In this guide we will tell you everything which is known about its console release.

Outpost Infinity Siege is an upcoming game which is a mix of various genres. It seems that the title is a combination of tower defense, FPS and base building. Many players wait for this title, as it seems like an interesting concept. However, the game will be released soon on PC, but what about consoles? Let’s talk about it.
Outpost Infinity Siege – Console (Xbox, PS4, PS5) Release Explained
If you want to play Outpost Infinity Siege, be it either Xbox or PlayStation, you will have to wait. The game is scheduled to release tomorrow, but only on PC. What about consoles? Developers have “answered” this question on the official Discord channel, in the FAQ section.
To put it simply, developers do not know if the game will be released on consoles. So, what will be the main factor in this case? The answer is probably simple and pragmatic – money. If the title will sell well and attract many players on PC, it will be surely ported on different platforms as well. However, for now, it seems that fans have to be focused on the computer release.
Let’s remember that simultaneous premieres on various platforms are not as often as it seems. Only big developers or publishers can afford to port their titles blindly, without the certainty of them bringing back profit. That is why developers often pick PC as their target platform, because it contains the biggest potential playerbase.
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