Official Models of Star Citizen Ships Cost Around 100 Pounds
You can buy official replicas of vehicles and ships from the onlin space simulator Star Citizen. Their prices, excluding tax and shipping costs, range from L55 to L125. As many as three of the four presented replicas were produced in a limited number of 500 copies.

Scottish company JRD+F (which earlier created ship replicas, in cooperation with the devs of the space simulator Star Citizen, presented, among others, at Gamescom) informed on Reddit about the start of sales of official models of vehicles available in Cloud Imperium Games' title. Currently you can buy four of them - Drake Dragonfly, Anvil Arrow, Greycat PTV and Freelancer MAX (their photos can be found below). Prices range from 55 to 125 pounds (excluding tax and shipping costs). We can buy them at this address. We also have to assemble the replicas ourselves, and they do not include paints, glue or additional equipment, which involves additional expenses.
It is worth noting that all vehicles except for Greycat were manufactured in 500 copies only and have signed certificates of authenticity and detailed instructions. The creators also boast that each model has been printed in exceptional detail using the SLA technology. We also learned that three more ships will be revealed as soon as they are ready, during one of the Sunday broadcasts, held at 6pm UTC.
Recall that Star Citizen is in early access from 2014 and can only be played on PC. Players continue to spend all their money on the development of the project, and December last year was the month in which the creators raised a record amount of funding. At the end of February, the developers concluded a two-year court battle with Crytek.
- replicate
- Cloud Imperium Games