Number of Chapters in Contraband Police; Ending Explained
In this guide we will tell you how many chapters are in Contraband Police. Check how long the game is and what influences the ending.
Contraband Police is a game about a border guard, who needs to survive in a hostile world of turmoil and treason. At the same time the main protagonist must enforce different rules, which are introduced by the government. In this guide we will tell you how many chapters are in Contraband Police. We will also provide an approximate time which is needed to beat the game and talk about the ending.
This article contains some spoilers about the ending (no details).
Number of chapters in Contraband Police
There are 8 chapters in Contraband Police. They change after some major events connected with the plot. The game ends on May 15, 1981 (in-game time). If you want to finish this title, it will take you approximately 10 – 13 hours..
Information about the ending of Contraband Police
At the end of the game, you will see a slideshow, which will inform you about the fate of different characters. You shape the ending by your choices. At some important missions, the player must pick between the rebels and government. These moments are clearly highlighted, so you will not miss them.
Contraband Police looks most of the time the same for both sides (rebels or government), so you don’t have to worry about missing a big portion of the game. Taking into consideration gameplay, there are no better or worse choices. Both routes are almost identical.
Read also:
- Contraband Police - Tips and Tricks
- How to Count and Return Cargo in Contraband Police
- Contraband Police - Mysterious Murder Guide
- Should You Arrest Gavrilov in Contraband Police? Choice Explained
More:Contraband Police - Mysterious Murder Guide