News 07 November 2021

Work on New Fable Started Right After Lionhead Shutdown and Said to Continue to This Day
A post by a Playground Games employee suggests that work on the Fable reboot began shortly after Lionhead Studios shut down. It may have been in development for as long as four years at this point.
video games
Michael Zegar
November 7, 2021

AC: Valhalla Development Roadmap for 2021
We've learned the development plans for Assassin's Creed: Valhalla for the rest of this year. These include two patches, new content and the Oskoreia Festival event.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 7, 2021

Iconic Trailer of Star Wars The Old Republic Remastered by BioWare
BioWare has remastered the Deceived trailer, the iconic first CG trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 7, 2021

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Delayed to December
Square Enix announced that the release of the Endwalker DLC for Final Fantasy XIV Online has been pushed back to early December.
video games
Paul Musiolik
November 7, 2021

Forza Horizon 5 has Almost a Million Players in Early Access
More than 800,000 gamers paid extra for the premium edition of Forza Horizon 5 and have been playing the latest racing game from Playground Games since Friday.
video games
Adrian Werner
November 7, 2021