News 06 January 2021

New Skills in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Leaked and Blocked
New skills for Assassin's Creed: Valhalla were accidentally made available a bit too early. Despite a quick update released for Ubisoft's game to fix the mistake, there is a simple way to try out the new skills even now.
video games
Paul Musiolik
January 6, 2021

Sea of Thieves Climbs the Popularity Ranks on Steam
Sea of Thieves recovers on Steam. The game is slowly regaining popularity, and soon it may even catch up with the numbers from the launch period on Valve's platform.
video games
January 6, 2021

A Witcher's Adventure Mod Brings Monster Hunting to Skyrim
A new version of A Witcher's Adventure - LE Backport, a mod that adds elements from The Witcher series to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, including weapons, monsters and signs, hast just went live. There were also some new adventures.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 6, 2021

Early Access to Everspace 2 Coming This Month; Full Release in 2022
Everspace 2 will begin its early access period in less than two weeks. It will spend at least a year there, during which it will be updated with new content. The release of the full version is set for 2022.
video games
Paul Musiolik
January 6, 2021

Football Manager 2021 Breaks Sales Records
Last year's installments of the Football Manager series are selling faster than any previous game series from Sports Interactive's catalogue. FM21 is also doing great on Steam.
video games
Adrian Werner
January 6, 2021

Global PC Component Prices Are in For an Increase
This year we will pay even more for PC components. The reasons include customs and problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Asus was the first company to introduce price increases.
hardware & software
Adrian Werner
January 6, 2021