News 06 December 2020
Prices of Best Esports Teams According to Forbes
The Forbes magazine has prepared a list of the most valued esports organizations. The top position is taken by the American Team SoloMid.
video games
Paul Musiolik
December 6, 2020
Netflix is Looking for Actresses for Intriguing Roles in The Witcher Prequel
The creators of The Witcher: Blood Origin are looking for actresses for specific roles. There are 2 casting ads on the web with brief character profiles.
movies & tv series
Karol Laska
December 6, 2020
Monster Hunter: World Review Bombed on Steam Due to the Movie
One sentence in the Monster Hunter movie enraged Chinese players, who launched a carpet review bombing campaign of Monster Hunter: World on Steam.
video games
Paul Musiolik
December 6, 2020
Fortnite Tournaments Canceled; Competition Will Move Online
Epic Games has canceled the Fortnite World Cup tournament scheduled for 2021. The reason for this is the on-going pandemic and related restrictions, as well as concern for participants' health.
video games
Paul Musiolik
December 6, 2020
Vampire Bloodlines 2 Launch Probably at the End of 2021
Delayed to 2021, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 will probably not debut until the end of said year. The information was shared by the co-founder of Paradox Interactive.
video games
Paul Musiolik
December 6, 2020