Fortnite Tournaments Canceled; Competition Will Move Online

Epic Games has canceled the Fortnite World Cup tournament scheduled for 2021. The reason for this is the on-going pandemic and related restrictions, as well as concern for participants' health.

Paul Musiolik

There will be no Fortnite World Cup in 2021. Due to the ongoing pandemic and the restrictions that this entails, Epic Games has decided not to host tournaments outside the virtual world.

All attention will be focused on online tournaments, which will gain in strength next year. It has also been announced that Fortnite Champion Series will continue and a change has been made to the limit of players able to play within a team. In the fifth season it is possible to play in three person teams and that will not change. However, Epic reserves the right to make changes to the scoring rules and/or qualifications in each season.

We also have good news for those who want to compete at higher level, but not necessarily in the FNCS. There will be more weekly, one-off and Creator Cup tournaments, scheduled for the whole next year.

  1. The official website of Fortnite
  2. Fortnite: Battle Royale - game guide


September 26, 2017

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Paul Musiolik

Author: Paul Musiolik

Started writing about games on the SquareZone website. Later, he wrote and managed the non-existent, and currently runs his own blog about games. He hasn't yet written a text that he would be 100% satisfied with. He started his adventure with games at the age of 3, when he managed to convince his father to buy a C64 computer. The love for electronic entertainment awakened by Flimbo's Quest blossomed during the first adventures with Heroes of Might & Magic, reaching its peak after purchasing the first PlayStation. As he grew older, he had more encounters with Nintendo portable consoles, and also returned to the PC as an additional gaming platform. He collects games and is a fan of emulation.

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