Most popular News - February 2019


Far Cry New Dawn Soundtrack Nails It

Far Cry New Dawn has a very extensive soundtrack. We want to reveal what you can listen during your gunfights with enemies.

press release

Jacob Nowak

February 18, 2019

Far Cry New Dawn Soundtrack Nails It

Assassin's Creed Legion Will Take us to Ancient Rome?

Some very interesting rumors about the unannounced projects from Ubisoft have surfaced on the web. According to the info, Watch Dogs 3, whose action is to be set in London, is coming in 2019. In 2020, Assassin's Creed: Legion will take us to Ancient Rome.

video games

Adrian Werner

February 25, 2019

Assassin's Creed Legion Will Take us to Ancient Rome?

Chernobylite - Hardware Requirements and Approx. Release Date

Here are the hardware requirements and an approximate release date of Chernobylite, the survival horror, currently developed by the Polish team at The Farm 51.

video games

Adrian Werner

February 9, 2019

Chernobylite - Hardware Requirements and Approx. Release Date

Free Titanfall Spin-off? Respawn Announces Apex Legends.

Respawn Entertainment is to announce a new game today – Apex Legends. According to the first reports, the title will be a free Titanfall spin-off.

video games

Bart Swiatek

February 4, 2019

Free Titanfall Spin-off? Respawn Announces Apex Legends.

Gwent a "Financial Disappointment", Kotaku Reports

Kotaku reports, based on insider sources in CD Projekt RED, that Gwent, the stand-alone edition of the Witcher 3's minigame, turned out to be a financial disappointment. The developers have yet to comment on the matter.

video games

Milosz Szubert

February 26, 2019

Gwent a "Financial Disappointment", Kotaku Reports

The Outer Worlds Campaign Length

Obsidian Entertainment has revealed the planned campaign length of The Outer Worlds, the FPP RPG which is to launch later this year.

video games

Adrian Werner

February 10, 2019

The Outer Worlds Campaign Length

Apex Legends Exploit Yields Free Lootboxes and Twitch Skin

A small exploit was discovered in Apex Legends, enabling us to acquire five loot boxes and a legendary Twitch subscription skin without paying for it.

video games

Milosz Szubert

February 21, 2019

Apex Legends Exploit Yields Free Lootboxes and Twitch Skin

Metro Exodus Performance Tests and Graphics Comparison

The first Metro Exodus performance tests appeared on the web. The game seems to have been optimized well, even with ray-tracking on. In addition, a video with graphical comparison of the PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions has been released.

video games

Adrian Werner

February 14, 2019

Metro Exodus Performance Tests and Graphics Comparison

The Division 2 PC Wonderfully Optimized

The beta-tests of The Division 2 are underway. As it turns out, the game can run in 30 fps even on a laptop equipped only with an Intel HD 630 integrated GPU.

video games

Konrad Serafinski

February 10, 2019

The Division 2 PC Wonderfully Optimized

OVERKILL's The Walking Dead Removed from Steam, Console Versions Cancelled [Update]

Skybound Entertainment has broken the deal with Stabreeze. As a result, the console versions of OVERKILL's The Walking Dead have been canceled. What's more, the planned expansions for the PC version may be affected.

video games

Adrian Werner

February 27, 2019

OVERKILL's The Walking Dead Removed from Steam, Console Versions Cancelled [Update]

200,000 Gamers Pre-Ordered Metro Exodus on Steam

We've learned the estimate sales of Metro Exodus on Steam. Before the game was pulled and became an Epic Games Store exclusive, 200 thousand people pre-ordered it on Valve's digital platform.

video games

Adrian Werner

February 18, 2019

200,000 Gamers Pre-Ordered Metro Exodus on Steam

Patch 1.1.4 Adds New Game Plus to Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is getting patch 1.1.4 today, which will introduce e.g. New Game Plus mode and change the controversial ending of one of the expansions.

video games

Adrian Werner

February 26, 2019

Patch 1.1.4 Adds New Game Plus to Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Enderal – Steam Release Date of the Giant Skyrim Mod Revealed

The modder team SureAI revealed the release date of Enderal: The Forgotten Stories on Steam.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

February 8, 2019

Enderal – Steam Release Date of the Giant Skyrim Mod Revealed

Apex Legends a Spectacular Success. Record Twitch Figures

Electronic Arts boasted the first numbers achieved by their newest battle royale shooter from Respawn Entertainment – Apex Legends. The production has already attracted 2.5 million players and is breaking popularity records on Twitch.

video games

Bart Swiatek

February 6, 2019

Apex Legends a Spectacular Success. Record Twitch Figures

Paradox Will Announce New Vampire The Masquerade?

A mysterious website known as Tender has surfaced on the web. At a first glance, it appears to be just a standard dating app. Except it is owned by Paradox Interactive.

video games

Milosz Szubert

February 11, 2019

Paradox Will Announce New Vampire The Masquerade?

Resident Evil 3 Remake Before Resident Evil 8?

According to leaks, Capcom is planning to release, the eight installment of the series and the remake of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. But we shouldn't expect the official reveal of the project in the near future.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

February 1, 2019

Resident Evil 3 Remake Before Resident Evil 8?

League of Legends - RP Cost and Refund Policy Update

Riot Games announced an imminent price increase in LoL store. Beginning in March, US gamers will pay from 8 to 11% more, when buying in-game items, depending on their location. What's more, there will some changes to the refund policy.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

February 22, 2019

League of Legends - RP Cost and Refund Policy Update

PC Edition of Ace Combat 7 is a Disaster

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown has finally come to PC. Unfortunately, the PC version of the game leaves a lot to be wished for.

video games

Jakub Mirowski

February 1, 2019

PC Edition of Ace Combat 7 is a Disaster

Watch Dogs 3 on Next-Gen Consoles?

New rumors on Watch Dogs 3 are surfacing on the web. This time, the gamers have noticed the freshly-revealed request from Ubisoft to register a trademark.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

February 11, 2019

Watch Dogs 3 on Next-Gen Consoles?

Cyberpunk 2077 at E3 2019 Confirmed

CD Projekt RED – most famous for The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt and the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 – announced that their eagerly anticipated shooter will appear at this year's E3 conference in Los Angeles.

video games

Bart Swiatek

February 28, 2019

Cyberpunk 2077 at E3 2019 Confirmed

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