New Rumors About Call of Duty 2020 - Early Release Possible
CoD 2020 may be released at the end of September. Or at least that's what the latest leaks suggest, which this time reveal a lot of details about multiplayer modes.

It's almost July, and the upcoming installment of the Call of Duty series still hasn't got any official announcement, which seems quite unusual, even taking into account the general delays associated with the coronavirus pandemic. However, more and more frequent rumors and leaks reveal that the game's release may be closer than we think. The last batch of unofficial information comes from one of the most recognized youtubers specializing in the subject of CoD - TheXclusiveAce. The video with his revelations, mainly about the multiplayer mode, was very quickly taken off the channel, which may indicate that the details it contains may have some kind of coverage in reality. The most important reports of TheXclusiveAce show that:
- The release may take place a little earlier than usual (end of September);
- The action of the game set during the Cold War (further confirmation);
- Game modes are: SP campaign, multiplayer, zombies and the new Warzone map based on locations in Russia;
- MP will return minimap, slides and swimming;
- Unlimited sprint in MP;
- Most maps are Treyarch's classic design style;
- There is a huge lake in the middle of the new Warzone map;
- The standard MP gameplay is 6 vs. 6;
- Scorestreaks will come back instead of killstreaks, which are point bonuses, not the number of killings;
- No confirmation of Ground War mode (32 vs 32) at the time of release, but it is possible that it will;
- No 2v2 Gunfight, but it is possible that there will be 3 vs 3 mode;
- The names of some MP maps are: Tundra, KGB, Satellite (in the desert), The Mall. Another location is a small boat somewhere in the Black Sea.

In addition, we can still expect shotguns as secondary weapons in the equipment and the lack of interactive doors in standard MP gameplay. The leak's author also talked about the lack of the gunsmith mode for modifying weapons, but it's very possible that the developers are still working on it. Either way, we have to wait until the first official announcement of the game to confirm or deny all this information. So far the company is still advertising the fourth season of online battles in Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone.