Marvel’s Spiderman PC - Dynamic Resolution Scaling Option
Marvel's Spiderman PC enables you to modify the graphics quality quite a bit. Here you will learn how Dynamic Resolution Scaling works and whether you should use it.

Marvel's Spider-Man has finally arrived on PCs. IThe release of the title on this platform means that the game has been enhanced with the option ti make in-depth changes in graphic settings. And one of them is a feature called "Dynamic Resolution Scaling". Here you will learn what it actually is and whether you should use it.
Marvel's Spider-Man - what is Dynamic Resolution Scaling
When adjusting the graphics in Marvel's Spider-Man to the capabilities of your computer, you can choose from a whole bunch of options. Among them you will also find the promising "Dynamic Resolution Scaling".
What exactly is this feature? It is a system that is supposed to change the game's resolution in real-time, so that the number of displayed frames per second is kept above a certain level.
What number of fps you want is up to you. You can choose between 30, 45 or 60 frames per second. Of course, these are minimum values, so running "Dynamic Resolution Scaling" doesn't mean you can't get even more fps, as long as you have powerful enough hardware.
But is it worth using this feature? It depends on what is important for you. If what you value most in a game is performance, then you should definitely activate this option. It will make sure that you do not have to worry about sudden fps drops.
However, if you care most about the quality of graphics, then you should stay away from the feature. This is because real-time resolution changes will mean regular drops in graphics quality, sacrificed in the name of performance. Sometimes this difference can be very severe and clearly visible.