Manor Lords Dev Responded to Accusations of Poor Game Development. „I Always Focus on Issues That People Comment On”
Some players accuse Grzegorz Styczen of ill-considered development of Manor Lords. The developer, in response, argues that he is improving elements wanted by fans.

Although the creator of Manor Lords, Grzegorz Styczen, regularly introduces changes and new features to his game, there are accusations that its development isn't very well thought out. The developer decided to clarify this issue.
Development with the players' wishes
The discussion expanded under one of the posts on X. A comment surfaced there asserting that Styczen overly concentrates on issues that are insignificant, neglecting the most crucial ones - like castles, cavalry, or AI. The dev didn't bury his head in the sand and issued a response.
I always focus on issues that people comment on/DM the most. "We want fishing" I add fishing. "We want butchers" I add butchers. Pigs. Trade overview. Stuff like balance or systems refactoring usually it's not super cool to rework or impressive to show off.. but it's honest work.
If we review the recent updates that Styczen boasted about, many of them were implemented based on community feedback. We recently learned about changes in the distribution of beer and water, and at the end of October, we were informed about work on the supply and demand system. Finding the perfect solution in this situation is difficult because there will always be someone dissatisfied in the end.
Regardless, players took Styczen's explanation to heart, and immediately suggested things and improvements they'd like to see in Manor Lords. The post by user AdiWoolwich, requesting features such as living cities with residents having their own AI, diplomacy, functional rivers, and a new map, received particular applause.
Thanks for the nomination
Grzegorz Styczen also referred to the topic of The Game Awards 2024 gala. Let's remind that Manor Lords was nominated in two categories - Best Sim/Strategy Game and Best Debut Indie Game.
Thank you so much for the nominations The Game Awards 2024. The game is still in early access of course and the work continues, but I'm very grateful. I really wish a strategy game wins GOTY one day.
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