Lords of the Fallen on 20-minute Gameplay; Combat and Co-op Shown
Long footage showing gameplay from Lords of the Fallen has been released. The developers presented many aspects of the game, including combat, co-op, and mirror worlds of the living and the dead.

Premiere of Lords of the Fallen is fast approaching. Reboot of the 2014 game under the same title, developed by Hexworks (CI Games is the publisher), has seen a bigger presentation today. All thanks to the published gameplay video, which shows us 20 minutes of footage from the game.
Lords of the Fallen up close
The video includes many key aspects of gameplay, such as combat, movement between the worlds of the living and the dead, which is expected to play an important role in Lords of the Fallen, as well as a co-op mode.
The gameplay shows us, among other things, a fight with one of the first bosses. Here we can take a look at the combat mechanics, which combines standard attacks with magical ones , which, according to the developers, is supposed to make clashes faster without having to dig through options. Let's add that the game will offer several branches of magical attacks, such as pyromancy.
The footage focuses on the use of the item called Umbral Lamp, with the help of which we will move between the worlds of the living (Axiom) and the dead (Umbral).
This lamp enables us not only to look into a parallel dimension, but also to move there (at the expense of one of the two lives). In these worlds, there are other paths to explore, different opponents, as well as additional loot to collect. With its help, we can also perform an attack that deprives adversaries of their souls. We can also use this item to manipulate the environment in certain places.
Lords of the Fallen also has a co-op mode, somewhat reminiscent of the one in the Souls series. To call on another player for help, visit a resting point. There we can connect either with a friend or with a random player. The game enables us to put up such altars ourselves, however, this requires the possession of a very rare item and is only available at certain points.
The game will be released in 3 editions: standard, deluxe and collector's. For the time being, their prices are not known - they will most likely be announced soon. We remind you that Lords of The Fallen will debut on October 13 on PC, PS5 and XSX/S.