LoL Players Want Hecarim Nerfed
League of Legends' gaming community has once again raised the discussion about gameplay balance, specifically, the lack thereof in certain characters such as Hecarim, who is one of the most frequently banned champions at high tiers.

- Hecarim is one of the most frequently banned characters in League of Legends during matches in Platinum and above;
- The so-called ban rate of this character ranges from 60 to over 70% depending on rank;
- Such rates suggest there's a need to nerf this hero and restore balance in the game. According to players, Riot Games does not take sufficient action on this issue.
Discussions about gameplay balance in League of Legends usually recur on the occasion of the release of new champions, who are often too strong at the start, which is changed in subsequent patches. In this case, we're dealing with a well-known hero, who hit the Summoner's Rift fields back in 2012 - Hecarim.
As noted by Reddit user Accountant131, according to all criteria adopted by Riot Games, this hero should be nerfed. Players are divided into 4 categories in relation to skills: Average, Skilled, Elite, and Professional. If a character is selected or banned too often, it's a signal for the developers to change something.
Admittedly, the dark rider received a nerf in patch 11.7, but as a Reddit user notes:
"In the latest patch (11.7) riot took out 10% bonus movement speed from E and called it a day. It's almost as if they forgot Turbo Chemtank [an item boosting speed - ed.] exists, making that nerf completely irrelevant."
According to LoL stats, Hecarim has one of the highest ban rates in ranked matches for Platinum and up. For ranks above Diamond, the ratio is almost 70%, with over 52% of games won (via
These ranks fall into the Skilled, Elite, and Professional groups. In the case of exceeding the parameters in three of the four groups, the need for a nerf for the character is undeniable.
And meanwhile, fans of Riot Games' MOBA are still waiting for the release of a new character - Gwen, who was announced a few weeks ago. Knowing the developers from Riot, her appearance in the game will also disrupt the balance, which will require adjustments in subsequent updates.