LoL's Newest Heroine Gwen Brings Back Memories Among Veterans

Recently, Riot Games unveiled a new League of Legends heroine - Gwen, the Misty Tailor. Today, we got to know her skillset, which reminded many of a much older character.

Michal Ciezadlik

  • We've learned about abilities of the new League of Legends heroine, Gwen;
  • Some of her traits remind the players of the old version of Irelia;
  • Gwen will most likely debut in patch 11.8.

A few days ago Riot Games introduced a new League of Legends character - Gwen. Today, we learned exactly what her skills are. Gwen is a melee mage with large blades, capable of inflicting heavy damage.

Below is a description of the character's skills:

  1. [Passive Skill] Thousand Cuts - Gwen's basic attacks deal additional magic damage on each hit, depending on the percentage of the opponent's maximum health. Basic attacks against characters partially heal the character.
  2. [Q] - Snip Snip! - Gwen quickly slashes with her shears from two to six times, dealing cone-shaped magic damage. The number of slashes depends on the number of basic attacks she has previously derived. Enemies in the center of the cone take true damage as well as bonus damage from passive abilities.
  3. [W] - Hallowed Mist - Gwen spreads a mist around her for 5 seconds, making it impossible for any skill to hit her. Additionally, she gains armor and magic resistance. The mist will follow Gwen the first time she tries to leave it but will dissipate the next time.
  4. [E] - Skip 'n Slash - Gwen jumps a short distance, increasing her speed, damage, and attack range for 4 seconds. Attacking an enemy during the time returns 50 cooldowns.
  5. [R] - Needlework - Gwen can use the skill three times, but it requires hitting an opponent with a needle within 8 seconds of activation. Each successive hit fires one, three, and five needles at the opponent respectively dealing damage.

The appearance of Gwen among LoL heroes is widely commented by the players, as with any such occasion. On Reddit, fans of Riot Games' MOBA have been discussing the heroine's usefulness on the battlefield since yesterday. Some people have noted Gwen's resemblance to Irelia from before the character's rework. The similarity of skills can be seen especially in ultimate skill.

"I get some Old Irelia vibes in that ult," writes SirKraken.

The similarity of skills triggered a wave of memories about the old heroine:

"I thought the same thing! Even though Irelia's old ult was useless except for wave clearing (and healing)," adds DiluoFaker.

However, it seems that the players don't seem to be bothered by this similarity, which is most likely not useless on the battlefield:

"We finally got a duelist type suitable for the upper lane. The last one was Camille four years ago."

Time will tell if the players will like Gwen and appreciate her usefulness. At this time we do not know the character's exact release date, but we can assume that it will happen in patch 11.8. In the meantime, if you're interested in how Gwen's skills look like in practice, you can watch them here.

  1. League of Legends - official website

League of Legends

October 6, 2009

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Michal Ciezadlik

Author: Michal Ciezadlik

Joined in December 2020 and has remained loyal to the Newsroom ever since, although he also collaborated with Friendly Fire, where he covered TikTok. A semi-professional musician, whose interest began already in childhood. He is studying journalism and took his first steps in radio, but didn't stay there for long. Prefers multiplayer; he has spent over 1100 hours in CS:GO and probably twice as much in League of Legends. Nevertheless, won't decline a good, single-player game either.

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