How to Get Inverted Mirror in NMS
Don't know how to get Inverted Mirror in NMS? In this guide we will tell you how to do it.
No Man's Sky currently offers a lot of content, so there is a lot to do in the game. You can traverse space, fight enemies or expand our ship. You can also come into possession of various items. In this guide, you will learn how to get the Inverted Mirror in NMS.
How to get Inverted Mirror in NMS
Inverted Mirror can be obtained on corrupted planets, i.e. those on which Corrupted Sentinels reside. Such worlds can be located manually, or you can make the task easier by using the Dreadnought AI Fragment, which will mark them for you.
Once you hit the spot, you need to find large, purple structures resembling drilling tools, which must be destroyed in order to get the Inverted Mirror. This can be done simply by shooting them, but expect that you will then provoke the nearby Corrupted Sentinels.
The problem with finding Inverted Mirror in NMS.
Occasionally, we may get a message that reads "too weak for distance estimate" on a planet after a long search with the Target Sweep Scanner. In that case, you have to and go in the direction the visor is pointing, preferably using the ship, but even then it may not help.
Some players complain that on the planet where it should be possible to get the Inverted Mirror it cannot be done. This is random, often this trouble occurs on mountainous areas. In addition, worlds already explored before the update may be a problem, therefore in such a case you need to go to an uncharted corrupted planet.
More on No Man's Sky:
- NMS Interceptor Update - Corrupted Planets Explained
- Learn about Supercharged Slots in NMS
- How to use Echo Locator in NMS; Fix for Locational Interference