GTA 5 vs Cyberpunk 2077 - Battle of Nods and Details

The Internet is an interesting place. Someone came up with an idea to compare Cyberpunk 2077 with Grand Theft Auto V in terms of details and report their findings as a video. Watch it with us.

Arkadiusz Strzala

  • Can GTA V be compared to Cyberpunk 2077? Well, it all depends on one's creativity and a certain amount of distance.

I wish this wasn't just another piece of news about the bugs in Cyberpunk 2077. There's enough of them out there already. Maybe it's better to focus on something more interesting, more unusual, a slight variation at least for a while. Would a comparison of GTA V with Cyberpunk 2077 be suitable? In fact, why not. Someone even did it, focused on the details, made a video and published it on YouTube.

Unfortunately, I don't think it worked. There were supposed to be no bugs, and yet there are. In a small amount and mainly in the second half of the video. Vanishing NPCs while trying to run them over - maybe it's some kind of premium insurance package? Automatic teleportation in case of danger? After all, the action of the game takes place in 2077. You can explain it like that, just like bulletproof tires. After all, they already exist, and in 57 years' time it will probably be a standard, available in a market sale. CD Projekt Red has predicted the future!

GTA 5 vs Cyberpunk 2077 - Battle of Nods and Details - picture #1
Bulletproof summer tires with a 25% discount. The future is here.

The lack of reaction of the water surface to a sudden contact with a bullet is a little harder to explain. As is the protagonist's elegant way of getting out of the car, even when it's running over 200mph. Well, maybe V was James Bond in one of his / her previous lives and got used to fixing his tie after being thrown 20 meters across the room by a grenade explosion. Or maybe this will get fixed later on, let's wait for another patch.

GTA 5 vs Cyberpunk 2077 - Battle of Nods and Details - picture #2
"Greetings citizen, would you like to move to the sidewalk so we can continue our journey?"

Comparing Cyberpunk 2077 with GTA V should be considered a joke rather than a serious attempt. The first game is a FPP RPG and the second is a sandbox game focused on action and driving (no default FPP mode). The obvious fact is that the creators in both titles have emphasized slightly different things. The video doesn't take itself seriously, and neither should we when watching it.

By the way, you can't help but notice how many small details can be found in Rockstar's game. In GTA V the creators were able to focus on very small things, often unnoticed by players completing only the main missions. Such details increase the immersion. One could regret that CD Projekt Red did not take as much care of it as Rockstar. But as I wrote earlier - Cyberpunk 2077 is a game of a different genre and has many features that we will not find in GTA V.

Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020

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Arkadiusz Strzala

Author: Arkadiusz Strzala

His adventure in writing began with his own blog and contributing to one of the early forums (in the olden days of Wireless Application Protocol). An electrical engineer by profession, he has a passion for technology, constructing and, of course, playing computer games. He has been a newsman and writer for Gamepressure since April 2020. He specializes in energy and space tech. However, he does not shy away from more relaxed matters every now and then. He loves watching science-fiction movies and car channels on YouTube. He mainly plays on the PC, although he has modest console experience too. He prefers real-time strategies, FPS and all sorts of simulators.

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