Gloomwood - All Coins

In Gloomwood you can find 15 hidden coins. In this guide you will learn how to get them.

Adam Adamczyk

Source: Steam | Gloomwood

Gloomwood, which is currently on Steam in early access, has appealed to many players because of its mix of styles and the fact that you can find many hidden items in it. In this guide, we describe where to find all the coins.

The first coin

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The first coin

Shortly after starting the first stage, you will encounter a window on the left. You can break it with a barrel or by hitting it with the staff. Then jump down to the lower level and search the drawers in the cabinet standing nearby, which, in addition to the coin, also contains a revolver and ammo.

Second coin

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Second coin

When you get the staff, you will see a boarded-up entrance to the sewer. Break the boards and go inside. Follow the tunnel to the end and you will find a gold coin.

Third coin

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Third coin

The next coin is behind the door to the right of the turntable standing by the fireplace.

Fourth coin

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Fourth coin

Near the first encounter with the enemy there is a small, boarded up tunnel. After breaking the boards, you will find another coin.

Fifth coin

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Fifth coin

Another coin is located near the guarded toilet.

Sixth coin

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Sixth coin

In the prison there is a corner blocked by a chest and a sack. You need to move the sack and use the switch located on the wall. Then a secret passage will be revealed, behind which a coin will lie in the lower drawer of the cabinet.

Seventh coin

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Seventh coin

The next coin is also found in the prison. It lies in a very dark room on a shelf with bottles on it.

Eighth coin

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Eighth coin

Just walk past the prison cells and in one of them you will find the desired item.

Ninth coin

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The ninth coin

In the room with crates and a sack, there is a note that informs you that the coin is in a bag held by Sir Winslow. All you need to do is destroy the bag located there.

Tenth coin

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The tenth coin

Take the freight elevator down to the lower level. The coin will be located on the table behind the bars.

Eleventh coin

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Eleventh coin

After entering the cistern, jump into the water. At the bottom of the pool you will another coin shining. Due to the fact that it is dark underwater, it is easy to miss it.

Twelfth coin

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Twelfth coin

The next coin is also located in the room with the cistern, but it is hidden higher up. You should jump up on the wall and look at the alcove behind the bars. There will be a shiny object lying there.

Thirteenth coin

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Thirteenth coin

Near the opponent with a shotgun, you can see a steep hill that leads to the bars, behind which there is a coin.

Fourteenth coin

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Fourteenth coin

In this case, you need to move to the very top using the elevator, and then go left and cross a small stone platform. Behind it you will see bars, behind which you will find the coin.

Fifteenth coin

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Fifteenth coin

The last coin is located in the pump house. At this point you should jump into the water and swim along the canal. On the way you will come across a lighthouse. Then you need to dive lower and emerge a bit further. After emerging from the water, you will come across a large gate, where the coin will be lying.

  1. Gloomwood Safe Code
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Adam Adamczyk

Author: Adam Adamczyk

Has been writing professionally since 2013. In 2021, he joined, where in addition to gaming topics, he deals with strictly technological information. Worked with the largest music stores in Poland, creating articles related to instruments and generally understood sound design. Interested in computer games since childhood. On top of that, his interests include playing the guitar, composing music, and strength sports.

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