Ghost Recon Breakpoint Gets a Ghost War Multiplayer Trailer
Ubisoft has released a multiplayer Ghost War trailer for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. The material reveals, among others, battle royale elements and dedicated servers.

Gamescom materials are starting to flood in, and we'll be striving to keep you up to date. Ubisoft has just released a new trailer for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. The video presents the Ghost War – a multi-player mode, known from the previous installment of the cycle. As in Wildlands, two teams of four players will compete in tactical battles. In addition, the trailer also shows something that resembles a shrinking battle zone known from battle royale games. The possibility of playing in two modes on six maps, with four classes, dedicated servers and a common progress system for all modes were also confirmed. All this will be available at the release of the game. Ghost Recon: Breakpoint will debut on October 4th on the PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.