Gaming Becomes Main Entertainment in Time of Coronavirus

Gamers are playing like there's no tomorrow during the quarantine - US web traffic related to this form of entertainment has increased by up to 75%. Streaming platforms are also more popular.

Peter Doron

Digital entertainment in the service of humanity:

  • Games generate up to 75% more network traffic in the US than before quarantine;
  • Twitch and YouTube Gaming are reporting a global growth of several percent;
  • Overall internet traffic increased by up to 20% (depending on the time).

Piles of shame, abandoned rankings, unreachable platinums - all this has long waited for better times. And although it's hard to call the on-going quarantine as such, I think you'll agree that for many of us this is the perfect time to catch up with what seemed to be impossible to catch up. This is confirmed by the first reports on network traffic after the introduction of quarantine in many countries, which show a significant increase in interest in digital entertainment in the United States, as well as around the world.

Gaming is one of the main ways to wait for the quarantine to end. Source: Alex Pantling/Getty Images

According to the American operator Verizon (via The Holywood Reporter), in the USA, video games generate 75% more traffic than before the announcement of the quarantine, during rush hours. Americans also devote more time to video streaming (up even by 12%). By contrast, overall Internet traffic has increased by 20%, which can be considered a considerable burden on the current network infrastructure. Verizon is analyzing the situation on an ongoing basis and intends to "adapt resources to changing demand" as needed. Other providers are probably taking a similar approach.

"As we see more and more individuals work from home and students engage in online learning, it is a natural byproduct that we would see an increase in web traffic and access to VPN. And as more entertainment options are cancelled in communities across the U.S., an increase in video traffic and online gaming is not surprising," wrote Kyle Malady, chief technology officer for Verizon in a report.

Additional data is provided by the latest report of StreamElements and, companies analyzing global live-streaming internet traffic. We read that compared to last week Twitch reported a 10% increase in viewing numbers, and YouTube Gaming can boast a 15% increase.

It can be assumed that similar increases have been recorded in the rest of the world. The quarantine has caused many people - especially those who have been sent away for forced leave - to have too much free time. It is also largely connected with the need to stay at home (either because of the epidemiological threat or because of a lack of external entertainment), and this leads to increased interest in home activities - including playing video and board games as well as streaming. It remains to be hoped that the companies responsible for network infrastructure will be able to cope with significantly increased traffic.

  1. Verizon - official website
  2. StreamElements - official website
  3. - official website
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Peter Doron

Author: Peter Doron

Educated as a journalist and political scientist. In since 2004. He started with previews and reviews, to join the Newsroom after a year and stayed there ever since. Currently the head of this department, where he manages a team composed of both specialists in their field and ambitious newbies, eager to learn and do their best. Former editor of emu@dreams, where he got by his fascination with emulation and consoles, as well as a reviewer for GB More magazine. A fan of information, games (it would take a long time to list favorite genres), the Internet, a good sci-fi and fantasy book, will also watch a well-crafted series or movie. Husband, father of three children, aesthete, advocate of moderation in private life.

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