First Screenshots From Forza on Motorsport Xbox One Leaked
We've known for a long time that Forza Motorsport will be coming to PC and Xbox Series S/X. However, it is possible that the game will also debut on Xbox One.

- According to a leak, Forza Motorsport may also debut on Xbox One;
- It is indicated by photos published by a Reddit user;
- The leak was deemed reliable by a forum moderator.
It's been almost two years since the announcement of the latest instalment of Forza Motorsport and we still don't know much about the game. One of the few certain pieces of information was the fact that the game will appear on PC and Xbox Series S/X.
However, leaks have appeared online, suggesting the title may also debut on Xbox One. Their source is an anonymous user of Reddit.
Next-gen racing on last-gen console?
The published post contains a fairly simple message. The user, whose account has already been deleted, wrote that he is tired of claims that Forza Motorsport was only coming to current-gen consoles.
He stated that the title will also debut on Xbox One, and confirmation of this revelation is to be found in the photos he posted pictures. Allegedly, they show an early version of the game from around July last year.
Interestingly, the credibility of the photos was confirmed by a forum moderator. However, he did not write how we should understand this credibility.
It is unclear whether he meant that the game will indeed debut on the old console or that the published photos are actually from an early version of the game in question. The photos show a monitor displaying the game, but you can't see what platform it's running on.
Should we believe the leak?
At this point it's hard to say how reliable the information published on Reddit is. On the one hand, last year's Forza Horizon 5 debuted on Xbox One and ran decently on that console, so there's nothing to prevent a similar path being followed by Forza Motorsport.
Especially since this game will not be set in a huge open world, which could raise some technological difficulties. Turn 10 Studios' upcoming game focuses on racing on closed tracks, which in theory should be less demanding for the hardware.
On the other hand, the developers have mentioned that switching to 9th-gen console will enable them to implement a new physics engine. It could potentially cause a lot of problems for older devices.
So the game could have only been tested on the Xbox One, and will ultimately debut only on PC and Xbox Series S/X.
Either way, we should approach the information from Reddit with appropriate caution. However, there is a chance that this leak is true and the game is indeed being developed with older hardware in mind.
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