Favorite Roles of LoL Pro Gamers Revealed
A certain Reddit user decided to analyze which positions in League of Legends are most often occupied by top players from different regions of the world.

League of Legends' ranking system serves to provide information about the skills of a particular player in a measurable way. The highest rank - Challenger - brings together players with skills at a professional level. One of Reddit users decided to analyze the top 50 players from different regions of Riot Games' MOBA game in terms of the positions they most often happen to play.
Reddit user ZakotheBrave used data from op.gg, which collects various statistical information on LoL players, found out which lines are most often chosen by players from three regions: South Korea (KR), North America (NA) and Western Europe (EUW). The following players from the top 50 players from each of the aforementioned servers were taken into account .
On the Korean servers, the distribution of roles was as follows:
- support: 15 players,
- jungle: 11 players,
- center: 11 players,
- top: 7 players,
- AD Carry: 6 players.
The breakdown of the top 50 of North America, on the other hand, looked like this:
- Center: 15 players,
- jungle: 13 players,
- support: 10 players,
- top: 7 players,
- AD Carry: 5 players.
"Top 50" from Western Europe looked like this:
- top: 14 players,
- jungle: 13 players,
- center: 10 players,
- support: 7 players
- AD Carry: 6 players.
As you can see, the least frequently chosen "profession" among the top 50 is the role of AD Carry in the lower lane. Of course, one has to take into account that these rankings may include so-called "smurf accounts" of top players. Nevertheless, this in itself is an interesting ranking that tells us something about the most successful League of Legends players.