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News video games 17 April 2021, 15:40

The Upcoming E3 May Bring New Trailer for Fable

It looks like we might see another trailer for the new Fable during the upcoming E3. The speculation was sparked by a tweet from Playground Games' lead animator.

  • It's possible that the upcoming E3 will bring us another trailer of Fable;
  • This possibility may have just been suggested by the post of Playground Games' lead animator'
  • However, he didn't reveal which project he's talking about.

It's been almost a year since the first trailer for the new Fable was released. Since then, the only information we got about the game were the quickly debunked rumors that it was supposed to be an MMO game. It's possible, however, that the upcoming E3 will shed more light on what the new Fable will actually be. Such a scenario may have been revealed by a post published on Twitter by Chris Goodall, Playground Games' chief animator.

This short sentence raised high hopes among Fable fans. Currently, the only project that the studio is officially working on is the next installment of the series. Additionally, the words came from an employee of Playground Games, which suggests that they should be taken seriously. So it's possible that at E3 we'll see a new trailer or even the first gameplay trailer of Fable.

Unfortunately, Chris Goodall didn't answer any of the questions asked in the comments to his post. So we can only guess what he wanted to tell us. The solution to the mystery will be revealed, at best, in almost two months. E3 2021 will take place on June 12-15.

Przemyslaw Dygas

Przemyslaw Dygas

He published a lot of news on, some reviews and a few articles. Currently runs the site and serves as a junior SEO specialist. He first published journalistic texts on his private blog; later he took up writing seriously when his news and reviews ended up on a now non-existent film portal. In his free time, he tries to keep up with the premieres of new strategies and RPGs, unless he is replaying Pillars of Eternity or Mass Effect for umpteenth time. He also likes cinematography and tries to visit the nearby cinema at least once a month to keep up with the movies he is interested in.
