Elite Dangerous - Maelstrom Explained: Tips to Survive
In this article, we will talk about the Maelstrom. It made its way into Elite Dangerous with update 14, and we'll tell you some tips on how to survive it.

Elite Danderous has received Update 14, which has caused a lot of confusion among players as it features an attack by the hostile alien race, the Thargoids. With it came the mysterious Maelstrom. We will tell you about it in our article. In addition, we will give some survival tips.
Basic information
The Maelstrom is a huge cloud of gases. This is where the Thargoids came from. Therefore, you must be ready for their strong presence in these areas. However, many players will not be deterred by this, as there is a mystery lurking in the clouds themselves to be discovered.
However, before you go to Maelstrom remember that it is an extremely hostile environment. First of all, you will see very little. Also, in addition to the presence of enemies, you have to be ready to avoid mines and that your systems may not be fully operational (you may encounter various visual glitches, problems with targeting and so on). So be careful.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when you want to visit Maelstrom.
- It's a race, not a fight - if you are going solo, take a fast ship with you. The opponent has an advantage and is powerful. Fighting them is rather inadvisable, running away is instead recommended.
- Be prepared to lose your ship - don't take your best and most expensive ship. Rather, be prepared that you may lose it.
- Avoid mines - in Maelstrom you may come across strange crystals, these are mines that will explode if you get too close, so better not to do this.