Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.1 Notes; Surprize for Bosses

The release of patch 1.1.1 for Diablo 4 is only six days away, but today Blizzard released the full list of changes that will soon hit the game's servers.

Marcin Przała

Source: Blizzard Entertainment.

Although the highly anticipated patch 1.1.1 for Diablo 4 will debut on August 8, today Blizzard has published the full list of changes that the patch will introduce.

The new patch, according to earlier announcements, buffs all character classes - especially the barbarian and sorceress - and introduces highly-anticipated features. Importantly, the update also did not lack surprises.

Class enhancements, more monsters

Patch 1.1.1 for Diablo 4 is first and foremost the eagerly awaited buff to all classes.

  • Spellcasters and barbarians should feel the biggest surge of power in the upcoming patch; in the case of the former, the "survivability" has been strengthened primarily thanks to improvements in the Paragon table.
  • The update has also improved some niche "builds," such as the druid relying on companions and the necromancer fighting by hands of minions.
  • Some aspects and items have also been buffed, such as the Anguish Aspect (necromancer).

Another fundamental change that patch 1.1.1 introduces to Diablo 4 is increased density of monsters in the Nightmare Dungeon and the Helltides - which was demanded for a long time by the game's community.

The frequency of legendary item drops has also been adjusted. From now on, players will find more of them.

"Level 35 and higher boss monsters will now have a 100% chance to drop a Legendary item.

Treasure Goblins now have an increased Legendary item drop chance from Level 6-14 and guarantee a Legendary item drop starting at Level 15.

Legion Events are now more rewarding and guarantee a Legendary item drop starting at level 35."

Several general improvements have also been made to the game.

  • Additional damage or additional effects that are applied on hit or when dealing damage will now be applied by the active barrier.
  • The cost of skill resets has been reduced; the reduction starts at lower levels and reaches a maximum of 40% at level 100.
  • It will be possible to purchase an additional cache in the game for gold.
  • Increased the limit of potion stacking in one field from 20 to 99.
  • The command time for leaving dungeons is again to be 3 seconds.
  • Some Nightmare Dungeon affixes have been removed: resource burning, henchmen (backstabbers), enhanced elites (enchanted with cold).

Also worth mentioning is the rather surprising change that included high-level bosses.. From now on they will be much tougher thanks to increased health.

"Bosses above Level 60 will have more health. Examples:

  1. bosses at level 60 and below remain unchanged.
  2. bosses at level 80 have 50% more health.
  3. Bosses at level 100 have 100% more health.
  4. bosses at level 120 have 120% more health.
  5. bosses at level 150 and above have 150% more health.

Of course, update 1.1.1 also fixes numerous bugs related to quests, season pass or co-op mode. Interestingly, there are many indications that the announced changes in the functioning of mounts will not be implemented in this patch - contrary to the developers' initial plans.

For a detailed description of the changes, I refer you to Blizzard's official website:

  1. Diablo 4 - patch 1.1.1 notes

Diablo IV

June 6, 2023

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Marcin Przała

Author: Marcin Przała

Graduate of Journalism and Social Communication at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow. He has been interested in games from an early age, and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Dragon Age: Origins hold a special place in his heart. His passion for electronic entertainment led to the phenomenon of immersion becoming the subject of his bachelor's thesis. Today, above all, a fan of soulslike and classic RPGs. Besides games, he likes dark fantasy literature, and for many years he has been eagerly following the English Premier League, where his beloved club - Chelsea - plays.

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