This Cyberpunk 2077 Mod is an Alternative to Loading the Game
The Death Alternative V2 mod enables us to bypass the requirement to load a saved game after a character's death, giving us the option to use life insurance instead.

- Death Alternative V2 mod for Cyberpunk 2077 changes what happens after the character dies.
A mod for Cyberpunk 2077, titled Death Alternative v2. completely changes the way you respawn in the game, enabling you to feel more at home in the game world. It avoids the requirement to load the last save after V's death, if you buy life insurance beforehand.
Perhaps fans of the title have been familiar with the mod for a long time. The day before yesterday, an updated version was released, compatible with the latest update for Cyberpunk 2077. Its author, 3nvy, decided to put the option to buy three insurance packages in the game. We can get them in the Trauma Team building.
Choosing one of the three options, after death we will be reborn at the nearest hotel room with level of health adequate to the purchased policy. It looks as follows:
- Silver - cost 10,000 credits, restoration of 25% life points after death;
- Gold - 25,000 credits, 50% of HP restored after death;
- Platinum - 50,000 credits, full HP restored after death.
The mod will continue to be developed and future versions should bring the removal of the restriction on the availability of packages in the Trauma Team building and various negative modifiers acting as a penalty after death. Interestingly, after installing it you will still be able to use the classic solution - loading a saved game state after death.
You can download Death Alternative V2 from Nexus Mods. If you are interested in other gameplay options, then installing Appearance Menu Mod enables you to work with the Trauma Team, and Full Gameplay Rebalance completely changes the balance and "feel" of the game. Interestingly, CD Projekt Red recently decided to hire modders to help fix Cyberpunk 2077.
- Cyberpunk 2077 - official website
- Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 is a Disaster. We Were Supposed to Burn City, not Consoles
- Cyberpunk 2077 - game guide