Cult of the Lamb - All Animals, How to Unlock Them?

From this news you will learn how to unlock more pets in Cult of the Lamb.

Agnes Adamus


Cult of the Lamb is a roguelike in which you play as a lamb in charge of a cult. Over time, we acquire new animal followers. In this post you will find information on how to unlock all the animals.

In total, the game offers a number of different animals to unlock. You will acquire most of them by exploring more dungeons in each of the four available regions. You can find them by searching the chests you encounter while exploring the world. The chance of getting a particular animal, however, is completely random. It is also possible to purchase characters from vendors encountered in dungeons. All you have to do is find the merchant.

In the following locations you can unlock such followers as:

  1. Darkwood - Cow, Horse, Rabbit and Hedgehog;
  2. Anura - Bison, Giraffe, Coyote and Capybara;
  3. Anchordeep - Elephant, Alligator and Hippo;
  4. Silk Cradle - Bear.

In addition, in each of the worlds you will encounter minibosses. Defeating them will also add you another follower.

It is also worth bearing in mind that in each of the areas available in the game, there is a special shrine where you can purchase more followers. These include:

  1. Pilgrim's Passage in Darkwood
  2. Spore Grotto in Anura
  3. Smuggler's Sanctuary in Anchordeep
  4. Midas's Cave in Silk Cradle

Cult of the Lamb also enables you to gain new followers by completing tasks assigned by already recruited cultists.

Keep in mind, however, that not all pets can be unlocked just with the aforementioned means. Some of them require the completion of some specific actions. These include:

  1. Rat - easiest to get. After entering Darkwood a few times, your mentor Ratau will ask you to meet him at The Lonely Shack. You will find the follower near the firewood pile.
  2. Fish - to unlock it, bring squid, octopus, lobster and crab to the fisherman in Pilgrim's Passage.
  3. Axolotl - to unlock this follower you must repair the lighthouse in Pilgrim's Passage.
  4. Wolf - can be unlocked after completing a series of tasks for a Wolf located at night in Pilgrim's Passage. You will find him if you locate the green crescent moon.
  5. Star - in Silk Cradle you can find a sign leading to Midas's Cave. You will find a follower in the piles of gold acattered there.
  6. Snail - in each of the five locations you can teleport to, there is a small altar with the likeness of a snail. To unlock the follower you need to interact with each of them.
  7. Mad Monster - to unlock this follower you must find a merchant named Rakshasa. He is accompanied by a huge snail that you can hit. If you do it enough times then a fight will be initiated. If you win it, you will receive the creature.
  8. Poop - unlocking this follower will happen when you create enough Bowls of Poop.

In addition, you can also buy the Cult of the Lamb DLC called Cultist Pack, which adds 5 additional skins for followers - including Cthulhu.

Cult of the Lamb - All Animals, How to Unlock Them? - picture #1

Cult of the Lamb

August 11, 2022

PC PlayStation Xbox Nintendo
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Agnes Adamus

Author: Agnes Adamus

Associated with since 2017. She started with guides and now mainly creates for the newsroom, encyclopedia, and marketing. Self-proclaimed free-to-play games expert. Loves strategy games, simulators, RPGs, and horrors. She also has a weakness for online games. Spent an indecent number of hours in Dead by Daylight and Rainbow Six: Siege. Besides that, she likes horror movies (the worse, the better) and listen to music. Her greatest passion, however, is for trains. On paper, a medical physicist. In fact, a humanist who has loved games since childhood.

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