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News video games 07 June 2023, 12:55

Company of Heroes 3 Fixing Continues - New Map and Other Features in Patch 1.1.5

Company of Heroes 3 has received a new update. The biggest novelty introduced in patch 1.1.5 is an additional map, inspired by the Allied operations in Sicily.

Relic Entertainment has released a new patch for the tactical warfare strategy game Company of Heroes 3, which was met - to put it mildly - with a a very cold reception. Patch 1.1.5 - Brass Leopard introduces to CoH 3 a number of novelties, the biggest of which is a new map. In addition, the devs focused on the gameplay and sound layer, as well as fixed a number of bugs.

CoH 3 - Catania Crossing map

The new map, called Catania Crossing, is designed for 3-on-3 gameplay and can be tested in Skirmish, custom and Co-Op vs AI modes. The location, for which the inspiration came from Allied operations in Sicily and classic maps from previous installments of Company of Heroes, offers urban combat around key bridge crossings.

Patch 1.1.5 for CoH 3 - other new features

Among the other new features introduced in update 1.1.5 the most noteworthy are:

  1. bug fixes in the Italian campaign,
  2. improvements to the maps Mignano Gap and Gazala Landing Ground,
  3. as well as various gameplay modifications, including the ability to adjust the height of the camera or improvements to event hints.

In addition, the developers have made some changes to the audio layer, preparing additional intelligence warnings and new sound effects, among other things.

You can read the full list of fixes in the official announcement. It remains to be hoped that the process of patching the game will bring the desired effect. However, it certainly won't change the position of many former Relic Entertainment employees who have already been affected by layoffs.

  1. Company of Heroes 3 - official website

Christian Pieniazek

Christian Pieniazek

Started working with in August 2016. Although the Game Encyclopedia has been his pride and joy from the beginning, he also writes for the Newsroom and the Editorial section. Gained professional experience through a now-defunct service, in which he worked for almost three years. Graduated in Cultural Studies at the AGH University of Krakow. Runs his own business, jogs, cycles, loves mountain hiking, is a fan of nu metal, is interested in space, and of course, enjoys playing games. Feels best in action games with an open world and RPGs, although won't turn down good racing or shooting games.
