Cities: Skylines 2 found a way to avoid another wave of death after changes in new update
The developers of city builder Cities: Skylines 2 decided to rejuvenate the seniors and delete the unburied dead to avoid abrupt changes in the latest version of the game.

The new update of Cities: Skylines 2 has once again messed up with death and employment in virtual cities.
Version 1.2.3f1 is now available for download on Steam, and although the list of changes isn't long (after all, it's just a hotfix), Colossal Order studio has introduced some big improvements. One of these relates to the likelihood of death, which is now designed to ensure that citizens of virtual cities pass away "at the appropriate age" (up to 120 days in game time).
Of course, as is often the case with modern games (especially those with simulation elements), this "minor" fix has significant consequences. The developers warned that the unemployment rate may increase after the 1.2.3f1 update.
The reason for this is simple. The devs decided to rejuvenate the seniors living in the Cities: Skylines 2, so that the change in the "death probability curve" wouldn't cause another wave of deaths. This means that these retirees are re-entering the job market, effectively reducing the number of available employment positions. Furthermore, this will greatly decrease the number of seniors, but only temporarily, until the simulation reaches stability.
Moreover, the developers made sure that all, ahem, unserved dead citizens were deleted. This is also meant to prevent the funeral services system from being overwhelmed by a sudden surge in deaths.
In addition, the hotfix includes minor performance and balance improvements (including a better job search system for residents), as well as bug fixes (hydroelectric power plants will no longer operate at a rate dependent on the simulation speed) and crash resolutions.
This is definitely not a big change, but even this much smaller patch than the unexpected December update has somewhat reassured the players. In the end, as internet users say, it's always some sign of game's life. However, fans clearly express that they expect many more new features and improvements, soon.
So far, the update hasn't significantly affected the game's ratings on Steam or player activity.