Big Changes in PlayStation's Trophy System
Quite unexpectedly, Sony announced changes in PlayStation's trophy system. In addition to cosmetic changes, the creators changed way PSN profile levels are calculated and how experience is gained in games.
Trophies have been an integral part of the PlayStation ecosystem since 2008, when they were quite hastily introduced by Sony in response to the popularity of Xbox achievements. The system hasn't changed in any significant way since then and we continue to win bronze, silver and gold trophies to crown the collection with the most valuable platinum cup in larger games. Today, Sony announcedin an entry on the PlayStation blog that the system will be rebuilt and players in Europe should notice the change tomorrow.
The main novelty is the newway of calculating points for each unlocked trophy. Much more will now be awarded for platinum. The differences between the bronze, silver and gold trophies will also be more noticeable in this respect. The points are, of course, converted into experience, enabling the players to level up their PSN account. This aspect is also changing. Sony has introduced a new expanded scale of levels with a maximum value of 999.
However, the subseqeutn levels will now be scored much faster, which is to make the system more attractive in the eyes of players. A person who is currently on level 12 will wake up tomorrow with e.g. on level 234. Every hundred levels the icon next to our profile will also change, signalling a place in the hierarchy of virtual prize collectors.
Let's note that all trophies we have won so far will remain on our profile. We will continue to unlock new trophies in PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PS Vita games without any problems. Only the point system will be changed.
Of course, many of the players who don't care about the system at all will just shrug and ask why should they bother. For many people, however, trophies are an integral part of console gaming, sometimes even affecting which game to buy next. Cup and achievement lovers most often point out that winning trophies is an additional and rewarding challenge, prolonging the fun and often encouraging the use of less popular gameplay modes. Of course, a lot depends on the developers designing the prizes.
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