Armored Core 6 - 30005 StartService EasyAntiCheat EOSSys Bug Fix
In this guide we will tell you how to fix 30005 StartService EasyAntiCheat EOSSys failed with 1275 bug. Read our guide to learn more.

Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon is a new game about mechs from FromSoftware. The title was warmly welcomed by both fans and reviewers. However, some people can’t play the game, as they have problems with Easy Antycheat. Many fans instead of the game sees 30005 StartService EasyAntiCheat EOSSys failed with 1275 message. In this guide we will tell you how to fix it.
Armored Core 6 - 30005 StartService EasyAntiCheat EOSSys failed with 1275
This error shows up for Windows 11 owners. It is a known bug. Easy Anty Cheat does not cooperate well with the newest Microsoft OS and 30005 StartService EasyAntiCheat EOSSys failed with 1275 message is a result of that. However, community discovered a method to fix the problem.
Warning! The solution presented below is reported by many players as something which fixes the problem. However, by using it you will disable part of your PC security. Think twice before you do it, as it may be dangerous for you data and PC security. You do it on your own risk.
- Type into your search bar core isolation and enter it.
- In the new window deactivate Kernel stack protection.
- Reboot Windows (it may take few times for it to work).
Sadly, we couldn’t find different solution. Rather than using it, we recommend waiting a little bit for the FromSoftware to acknowledge the problem and implement an official fix.
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