Arma III Laws of War DLC will let you play as a minesweeper
Laws of War is the next big expansion pack for Bohemia Interactive's military sandbox Arma III. The add-on will let the player become a minesweeper, member of a humanitarian faction.
Bohemia Interactive has finally revealed the next expansion for their military sandbox Arma III, so far known under the codename Orange DLC. Laws of War, as the add-on is really called, will offer a different perspective on the battlefield, featuring a new, humanitarian faction called IDAP. That one will come along with a mini-campaign set after a fictional conflict between two nations. The player will assume the role of IDAP explosive specialist Nathan MacDade, whose task is to find and deactivate mines left after the war.
The faction will make use of some new equipment, including customizable van, a drone able to quickly transport cargo, APERS mine dispenser as well a variety of gear, such as safety vests, messenger bags, protective headgear and facewear. Besides, the Laws of War is accompanied with a free platform update for Arma III, which includes a slew of new features and content.
Laws of War is going to launch on September 12, 2017. You can currently pre-order it on Steam at a 10% discount, for $10.79. A portion of sales will be donated to the International Red Cross.