Arma III Apex expansion is out today
Arma III Apex expansion is finally out today. The add-on brings a huge new game area, 1-4 player co-op campaign, and lots of new content.
The long-awaited Apex expansion for Bohemia Interactive’s military shooter Arma III is finally going live today. With just a few hours left until the launch you can still pre-order the add-on on Steam at a 20% discount – for $27.99. If you happen to have been postponing the purchase of the game till now, you can grab the complete Arma III Apex Edition for $69.99. Besides, whether they buy the expansion or not, all owners of Arma III will soon be offered improvements introduced by 1.62 update.
Arma III Apex features a huge new area – South Pacific archipelago Tanoa, encompassing an area of 100 square kilometers and a variety of landscapes and locations. There, you get to play through a new story-based campaign, which supports co-op mode for up to 4 players. In this campaign the NATO forces have to face their old enemy CSAT, as well as a local crime organization called Syndikat. On top of that, the fans will get 13 new weapons, 10 new vehicles (including VTOL, LSV, etc.), and lots of gadgets. Visit the official website for more details.
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