Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms is launching today, see a new trailer
The African Kingdoms is the second expansion pack to Age of Empires II HD, which is going to launch today on Steam. The add-on will feature several campaigns, civilizations, gameplay re-balance, and a new play mode.
Age of Empires II HD is getting The African Kingdoms expansion later today. This is none of the original add-ons that the classic Age of Empires II received back in the days of yore, but a brand new one. Consistently with its title, The African Kingdoms is introducing new civilizations: Malians, Berbers, Ethiopians, and Portuguese, each one with their own campaign. What is noteworthy, unlike the base AoE II HD, these new scenarios received full voice acting. Moreover, the expansion features re-balanced sea warfare (two new water units: fire galley and demolition raft) and new Sudden Death Mode.

Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms is the second content pack for the remastered version of the 1999 classic strategy game. The first one, entitled The Forgotten, originated as a fan-built add-on for Age of Empires II, and later became an official expansion to the game’s HD edition. As for The African Kingdoms, there is still no pricing revealed, but we expect to see the product’s card on Steam in a couple of hours. The launch clock on the official website of The Forgotten Empires studio counts down to 10 AM PDT.
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