Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Got Battle Royale Mode
Patch 42848 for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition has been released. It introduces, among others, a battle royale mode and the event on the occasion of the game's first birthday.

- Battle royale mode;
- Interface and AI enhancements;
- Changes in game balance;
- Birthday party;
- And more...
Last week it was a year since the launch of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, a refreshed version of the iconic RTS. Nevertheless, the devs do not intend to slow down the development of the project. The game has just received another update with new content. This is the 21st patch released for this title.
The patch is numbered 42848 and its biggest attraction is the addition of a battle royale mode. In it, we start with two heroes, who have to quickly reconnaissance the surrounding area and occupy empty buildings, which allows for access to their raw materials and units. During the battles, the space on the map available for gameplay is gradually reduced. The game continues until only one army remains on the battlefield.
The patch also introduces interface improvements to make it easier to organize matches and select factions. The rules of some multiplayer modes have also been slightly changed.
The update also brings many improvements to the game balance. Of the thirty-five civilizations available in the game, changes in units and technologies have been introduced in nineteen. Optimization has also been improved, especially in the late stages of matches, to reduce performance drops when there are many units on the map. In addition, the AI has been patched to perform better against players.
With the release of the update, a new event has also started, which will last until December 1. The event was organized on the occasion of the first birthday of Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition. It enables us unlock many cosmetic items.
- Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition - official website
- Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition Review – Old But Solid Gold