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Legendary Traits can be completed at level 39, but first Legendary Trait slot is opened at level 41.

Legendary Traits can be divided into two types:
- Three 'book' traits for each class. They can be gained through legendary books for each class, the books drop randomly in areas lvl 39+, Trollshaws, Misty Mountains and Angmar.
- One 'quest' trait for each class. Can be gained by completing class quest.

All NPC's needed for this quests are located in Rivendell.

Burglar Bilbo Baggins
Captain Boromir
Champion Gimli
Guardian Samwise
Hunter Legolas
Loremaster Elrond and Gandalf
Minstrel Lindir

When You bring a book to corresponding NPC, he will give You a quest to find 8 pages that are missing from the books.


Flashing Blades
1 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book Book of Knives
Description After using your Double-edged Strike, you can make two additional attacks against your target.
Missing pages 3, 5, 12, 17, 18, 23, 26, 31
Drop from 3, 5, 12, 17 - from Iron-Crowns in Ram Duath (Angmar)
Drop from 18, 23, 26, 31 - from Elite Spiders at The Wovenvales (North Trollshaws)

Sweep the Knee
2 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book Knee Breaker's Manual
Description Trip no longer breaks stealth and it reduces it's cooldown by 40 seconds.
Missing pages 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 15, 16, 19
Drop from 1, 3, 4, 8 - from Hillmen around Donnvail in Fasach-Falroid (Angmar)
Drop from 10, 15, 16, 19 - from Blogmal Orcs at Rammas Deluos in center of Thorhad along the dread statues (Angmar)

Exposed Throat
3 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book Expert's Guide To Dirty Fighting
Description After using your Double-edged Strike, you make an additional attack, inflicting high damage, with a chance of initiating an opportunity to execute Fellowship skills against the enemy.
Missing pages 4, 5, 7, 12, 15, 19, 24, 28
Drop from Random drop from level 39+ Humanoid mobs, mostly from Goblins in the camp at Western Malenhad (Angmar) and Trolls in Trollshaws

Stick and Move
Captain - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough How to unlock Class quest-line at level 50.
Description Skills that are normally unlocked by scoring Critical Hits now also unlock when you successfully Evade an attack.


Shield of the Dunedain
4 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book Treatise of Valour
Description You are able to protect a companion, but at the cost of half your Power.
Missing pages 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22
Drop from 2, 3, 5, 10 - from Hillmen in and around Donnvail (Angmar)
Drop from 12, 15, 18, 22 - from Blogmal Orcs near the dread staue line of Rammas Deluon (Angmar) and from Ongbúrz orcs in the Ongbishúk camp of East Angmar

Oathbreakers Shame
5 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Book of Oaths
Description You levy a curse upon your foe which increases the damage you can do to it.
Missing pages 4, 5, 7, 12, 15, 19, 24, 28
Drop from Random drop from level 39+ Humanoid mobs, mostly from Uruk cave in Angmar, Hillmen in and around Tór Gailvin (Angmar) and Goblins around Caldwell Pool (Misty Mountains)

Defy Corruption
6 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Candle's Flame
Description Your Escape from Darkness ability is greatly improved and your Cry of Vengeance will revive one additional ally.
Missing pages 4, 7, 13, 16, 25, 26, 31, 35
Drop from 4, 7, 13, 16 - from Morroval in Ram Duath
Drop from 25, 26, 31, 35 - from Goblins around Caldwell Pool (Misty Mountains)

In Defence of Middle-earth
Champion - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough How to unlock Class quest-line at level 50.
Description Your very presence inspires those around you to perform greater deeds in battle.


Ferocious Strike
7 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Tome of Swords
Description You make an aggressive triple attack that draws the enemy's attention to yourself.
Missing pages 1, 4, 7, 12, 13, 17, 21, 25
Drop from 1, 4, 7, 12 - from Wights in Trollshaws
Drop from 13, 17, 21, 25 - from Goblins at Caldwell Pool, Western Bruinen Sources (Misty Mountains)

Explosion of Blades
8 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Artisan Blade
Description A full area-of-effect attack that inflicts huge damage, while drawing the attention of your enemies to yourself.
Missing pages 2, 4, 6, 9, 14, 15, 17, 26
Drop from Random drop from level 39+ Humanoid mobs, mostly from Hillmen around Donnvail in Fasach-Falroid (Angmar) and Troll hole in Bruinen Gorges (Trollshaws)

Fight On!
9 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Joy of Battle
Description A cry of defiance that robs enemies of their ability to use Power and transfers it to you.
Missing pages 11, 14, 18, 24, 25, 28, 32, 36
Drop from 11, 14, 18, 24 - from Searring Flame-Worms in Western Malenhad
Drop from 25, 28, 32, 36 - from Fell Spirit, or ghost looking mob in Imlad Balchorth (Angmar)

Controlled Burn
Guardian - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough How to unlock Class quest-line at level 50.
Description Your damage and Power recovery are increased.


Guardian's Threat
10 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Shield-Maiden's Song
Description You focus yourself on enraging your enemies.
Missing pages 1, 8, 11, 12, 15, 19, 25, 26
Drop from 1, 8, 11, 12 - from Searing Flame Worms in Malenhad
Drop from 15, 19, 25, 26 - from Ongburz and Blogmal and Orcs in Malenhad - Ongburz Camp - North East of Gabilshathur

Shield Smash
11 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Best Defence
Description After a successful Shield-bash or Shield-taunt, you may bash your enemy again with your shield for greater damage. This skill more effectively draws your enemy's attention to yourself.
Missing pages 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 16, 17, 19
Drop from 2, 3, 5, 9 - from Level 41-42 Iron Crowns in Ram Dúath
Drop from 12, 16, 17, 19 - from Dwarves in Gabilazan

Challenge The Darkness
12 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Final Word
Description You know how to goad your enemies into attacking you, leaving your allies free to maneuver. This skill also activates your Guardian's Ward.
Missing pages 6,7,13,14,19,21,24,27
Drop from Random drop from level 39+ Humanoid mobs, mostly drops from Hillmen in Donnvail (Angmar) and Dwarves in Misty Mountains

To the King
Hunter - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough How to unlock Class quest-line at level 50.
Description You are able to make a powerful attack against an enemy who has suffered from Overwhelm or Thrust, potentially knocking it down.


Press Onwards
13 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Way of the Hunter
Description When the need is great, you can move on with little rest, restoring your Power and Morale. Restoring 3000 morale and power, 10 minutes cooldown, out-of-combat only.
Missing pages 1, 3, 4, 8, 17, 20, 21, 28
Drop from 1, 3, 4, 8 - from Hillmen in Donnvail (Angmar)
Drop from 17, 20, 21, 28 - from Orcs in East Angmar near Ongbishuk

Bard's Arrow
14 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book A Shot In The Dark
Description You attack with the skill of Bard the Bowman himself, driving fear into your enemies.
Missing pages 5, 10, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25
Drop from 5, 10, 14, 16 - from Wights in Trollshalls
Drop from 19, 22, 23, 25 - from Gabizalan Dwarves in Misty Mountains

Rain of Thorns
15 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Furthest Charge
Description You rain 5 thorn-arrows down upon your enemies, allowing you to root multiple targets.
Missing pages 7, 9, 10, 14, 17, 18, 21, 24
Drop from Random drop from level 39+ Humanoid mobs, mostly drops from Hillmen, Donnvail (Angmar)

Bow of the Righteous
Captain - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough How to unlock Class quest-line at level 50.
Description The righteousness of your cause allows you to recover Power with each successful ranged attack.


March of the Ents
16 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Tome of Swords
Description Only the Eldar and Wizards rival your knowledge of nature. You are able to bring down the wrath of the natural world upon your foes.
Missing pages 8, 23, 53, 77, 98, 145, 162, 241
Drop from Random drop from level 39+ Humanoid mobs, mostly drops from Iron-crown in Fasach Falroid (Angmar), Dwarves and Goblins in Misty Mountains

Noble Savage
Captain - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Book of Beasts
Description Your companions have better morale, attack increase, raised critical chances, increased stealth detection, increased stealth and greater defensive capabilties. You must resummon the companion for this to take effect.
Missing pages 3, 6, 8, 14, 25, 26, 33, 37
Drop from 3, 6, 8, 14 - from Wights, north of Thornhad in Trollshaws
Drop from 25, 26, 33, 37 - from Elite Spiders at The Wovenvales in North Trollshaws

Sword and Staff
18 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book Lore of the Blade
Description You now may dual wield sword and staff as well as gaining some improved skill in melee. Add: 300.0 to Max Morale, 2.0% to Parry and Evade Chance, 15.0% to Melee Offense.
Missing pages 5, 11, 18, 26, 35, 45, 56, 68
Drop from 5, 11, 18, 26 - from Orcs in Fasach-Falroid (Angmar)
Drop from 35, 45, 56, 68 - from Iron-Crown Necromancers, Messengers and Runners in Imlad Balchorth (Angmar)

Captain - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough How to unlock Class quest-line at level 50.
The eagle is a lesser giant eagle. It is one level below the Lore-Master (rather than 2 levels like the raven and bear).
In order to get the Eagle-Friend trait, you must complete every stage of both Lore-Master class quests that are given at level 45. After you have followed both the quests to their completion and received both your legendary weapon reward and legendary ring (or pocket item), you will be given a final quest to speak to Elrond. Elrond will give you the Eagle-Friend trait, which you must then equip at a bard in order to be able to summon your eagle.
Description This trait allows you to summon an Eagle Pet.


Song of the Hopeful Heart
19 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book The Rising Chord
Description This Song enables you to temporarily reduce the Dread of an area for a short time. Add 4 Hope, small area around caster, 5 minutes duration, 10 minutes cooldown.
Missing pages 3, 4, 11, 14, 16, 23, 27, 28
Drop from 3, 4, 11, 14 - from Orcs in the Uruk cave (West Angmar)
Drop from 16, 23, 27, 28 - from Wights in Imlad Balchorth (East Angmar)

Anthem of the Wizards
20 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book Valour's Marches
Description This Anthem allows you to blast your enemies with an area-of-effect of light that slows enemies who are affected by it. You have a short window after playing a tier 3 song to play Anthem, which will reset your Ballad counter to the beginning.
Missing pages 1, 5, 7, 8, 12, 16, 23, 26
Drop from Random drop from level 39+ Humanoid mobs, mostly drops from the Northern Hillmen Ruin in Misty Mountains, Urugarth on the Fields of Gorothlad in East Angmar and Goblin's in Misty Mountains

21 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough Book Melodies of the Valar
Description The ways of the elder ages are not lost to all races yet. You may bring new inspiration to those whose Morale has been entirely depleted, reviving a defeated ally in combat.
Missing pages 12, 14, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 32
Drop from 12, 14, 23, 24 - from Morroval in Ram Duath
Drop from 27, 29, 30, 32 - from Goblins in the Misty Mountains

Fellowship's Heart
22 - Legendary Traits - Lord of the Rings Online: Traits Guide - Game Guide and Walkthrough How to unlock Class quest-line at level 50.
Description This skill instantly cures any fear effects upon you. It also makes your entire fellowship immune to fear for a short period of time, as well as healing them over time.

The Lord of the Rings Online

April 24, 2007

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