Breaking BATS! | Walkthrough

When you get to the next level, collect all the studs and head left as Robin. Above you, next to a rock, there is a spot you should fire at (see the picture). Use your special ability (hold the interact button as Robin) at this spot in order to unlock a path to Batman. Jump and grab the poles sticking out of the wall, until you reach Batman.

Once you have made the jump, disperse the bats (keep pressing the onscreen button), and when you jump down, switch to Alfred. While controlling Alfred you can get across flames. Approach the mechanism and use the bricks lying around to create a device able to put out the fire. Thus, you will create a path for Robin.

When playing as Robin, approach the bricks lying around and create an object. Wear the Techno Suit and summon a robot, whom you should move toward the console at the end of the path (once there, repeatedly press the action button). Again you get attacked by bats, so keep pressing the action button.

Go back to the center of the room and build an object out of the bricks lying on the floor. As Robin, put on the Techno Suit and approach the nearby console. There are two clamps which you have to use. Move the gunpoint on one of them and press the correct button. Repeat that on the second clamp to lower the platform next to you, which will take you to Batman.

On your way upwards you will find a Robin's token (Ollumination Suit). In order to get to the cave above, you will have to charge it up. Approach the object on the right and hold the correct button while wearing the suit.

On the second floor on the left there is a destructible object, which drops your first Minikit. As soon as you collect the studs enter the cave and destroy the obstacle blocking your way.

When you get through the cave, collect all the studs on the other side. Take the stairs down and use the energy charger as Robin to illuminate your path ahead.

Approach the dark cave on the left and illuminate the path as Robin. As soon as you do that, switch characters to Alfred and smash the objects there. After that you can use the resulting bricks to create another object (in order to get the second Minikit).

When it is done, more bricks appear near the cave, which you can use to create an object. Once it is read, approach the object as Robin and use the Techno Suit to unlock access to the boat.

Go to the left toward the boat and press the correct button. Once you enter the boat, aim at Batmobile and start shooting.

When the boat is destroyed, head left and switch characters to Alfred in order to get through the flames. On the higher platform construct a fire extinguisher to create a path for Robin, and enter the elevator together.

Once you leave the elevator, smash all the nearby objects, and use the resulting bricks to create the Batcycle. Use it to fire at the Batmobile, and when it destroys your Batcycle, go to the nearby ladder.

On the higher level, use the bricks on the ground to create a way for Robin's robot. Then put on the Techno Suit and summon the robot (customarily the interact button).

Get the robot under the hatch you have created, then press the correct button to get on the other side. After that, stand next to the nearby console and create a path for your characters.

On the higher level, approach the damaged computer and use the bricks to build a machine. Once it is ready, change to Hazard Suit as Robin and start collecting the bricks on the floor. After that, approach the machine and create a back-up computer.

Upon using the computer you get into virtual reality. Before starting the mission, go to the lower area to find lots of studs (worth even 10,000 points). The studs cannot be seen at first, so search the area carefully. As soon as you collect them you can go the first platform and hop on the glowing one. Do the same with other platforms.

Go down to the lower level and to the right side of the cave. Before you use the Batwing, it is a good idea to look around. You can find lots of studs nearby.

Once you have collected all the precious stuff, you can sit in the Batwing and fire at the Batmobile from a distance.

Batman boss fight awaits you. Try dodging his blows, and if bats get all around you, protect yourself from them (repeatedly press the action button). At one point Batman starts throwing objects at you, which get smashed into pieces. You have to use these to create spotlights. Avoid Batman's attacks, and as soon as you notice bricks on the ground run toward them and create another spotlight. When you manage to turn the spotlight at Batman, run toward him and hit him once. You will have to repeat these steps throughout the entire fight.
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