Skulls | Basics Halo 4 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Skulls modify game's rules. All additional options may be turn on in the Skull menu, in the Campaign menu. Below you can find a description of ways how Skulls affect the game.
- Iron: Death in co-op means respawn in the last control point. In solo game, death restarts mission from the very beginning.
- Black Eye: Shields don't recharge unless you melee enemies.;
- Tough Luck: Enemies always go berserk, always dive out of the way, and never flee.;
- Catch: Enemies use grenades more often;
- Cloud: Motion sensor is disabled;
- Famine: Dropped weapon has less ammo/charge;
- Thunderstorm: enemies' war skill are upgraded;
- Tilt: Enemy resistances and weaknesses are increased;
- Mythic: Enemies have increased health;
- Blind: The HUD and the first person arms and weapon are hidden;
- Cowbell: Acceleration from explosions is increased;
- Grunt Birthday Party: Headshot gives an additional effect;
- IWBYD: Rare combat dialogue becomes more common.
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