Act 1:2 - In and Out | Walkthrough Gears of War 4 Guide
Last update: 17 October 2016
Available achievements: Raiding is what Outsiders Do
Number of collectibles: 1
After the cutscene, take the lift into the building, as a team of 3 (in a mission that has been designed for 2 players). Use the lever in the nearest room, by pressing the action key. After you come down on the lift. Before you pick up the blue box, approach the active computer with green screen - you can steal data from there (a collectible).
Either on your own, or with an ally, pick up the blue crate and carry it over to the lift. This type of crates (Fabricators), will let you build a weapon using the available elements, for your points. The limit of points is predefined (5 000) and it replenishes with time. If you do not need any new weapon, you can always produce one that you already have, to receive additional ammo or grenades.
To assemble a piece of equipment, you simply have to pick the icon in the menu. In the right corner, there is the current (predefined) maximum fabricator energy supply displayed. Later into the game, this will be enriched with additional tabs and you will be able to assemble defenses in stages about defending.
As you go up on the lift, you will be attacked by robots in waves of two. It is best to use their weapons, to prevent losing ammo. After Del gets the lift to the very top, switch to Markza Mk 1 and rake the enemies. After that, you will finally resurface.