Aftermath - Closure | Aftermath Gears of War 2 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Find a way to destroy Jacinto. Go straight with the Brumak while eliminating every enemy on the way. You will deal with the locked gates by approaching them and pressing the B button. Remember that the RB button will cool down the gun in case of overheating.
While going straight eliminate the Corpser, which shouldn't be too hard while being on the Brumak.
You can have a little problem with the beast-barge, but the Brumak is strong enough. When you make your way to the end, your Brumak will walk in an underground emulsion lake. You must get rid of some enemies before reinforcement will arrive. Destroy the incoming Nemacyst missiles and the crab-like creatures throwing them.
Afterwards destroy the three columns to create a hole for the choppers. When the ceiling crumbles the Coalition forces will start to show up and something strange will start to happen with the Brumak. Fortunately Markus and Dom will change their conveyance just in time.
Kill the infected Brumak from the board of chopper. Aim at him with the Hammer of Dawn and press the trigger. Keep it pressed and the monster should die after a couple of seconds.
All that's left now is to watch the credits and wait for the next part of the Delta team adventures.