Zool 2 is a sequel to the classic platformer, created under the responsibility of Gremlin Graphics and Chupa Chups, a manufacturer of famous lollipops. This time, dimension N has been attacked by foreign creatures called Krool, whose aim is to suck out of the inhabitants of this fantastic world of their dreams. Two heroes stand against a band of monsters: Zool, known from the original, and his friend Zooz.
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Zool 2 Description
Zool 2 is a sequel to the classic platformer, created under the responsibility of Gremlin Graphics and Chupa Chups, a manufacturer of famous lollipops. This time, dimension N has been attacked by foreign creatures called Krool, whose aim is to suck out of the inhabitants of this fantastic world of their dreams. Two heroes stand against a band of monsters: Zool, known from the original, and his friend Zooz.
Choosing a hero is not only a cosmetic matter, on the contrary - it is of great importance for the course of the game. Zool can break the walls above him with his head, while Zooz can screw into the ground and thus break through the blurred passages. All boards (and there are fifteen of them in total) are constructed in such a way that two roads lead to the exit. Depending on which hero we lead, it will be possible to use only one of them.
The basic rules of the game have not changed by a single jot. Still, to complete the stage, you need to fill up the counter in the left, lower corner of the screen by picking fruit and then find an exit. The adhesion to the walls has been improved. Now you can not only catch the vertical surface, but also climb on it. Hidden rooms, which can be accessed after the walls have been destroyed, have also been introduced. As a rule, you can meet there a lot of sweets and various bonuses.
Compared to the original, the graphics are even more colorful and the animation is faster. The number of items on the screen is so large that at first it is difficult to catch what to collect and what to shoot. The authors resigned from the possibility to choose the soundtrack - the music changes depending on the worlds in which we live.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Zool 2 Summary
PC / Windows
Developer: Gremlin Interactive
Publisher: Gremlin Interactive
Age restrictions: none