Turbo OutRun is a PeCet conversion of the well-known slot machine game, which will allow you to take part in a crazy car race from New York to Los Angeles.
Turbo OutRun Description
Turbo Outrun is a PeCet conversion of the well-known slot machine game, which will allow you to take part in a crazy car race from New York to Los Angeles.
The route is divided into sixteen sections. Each of them has to be driven in a specific time. If we fail to do so, the game is automatically interrupted and the whole game can be started from the beginning. As we are not the only road users, you have to pay attention to all vehicles appearing on the horizon. A collision with one of them means falling out of the route and losing valuable time. In later stages, an additional obstacle will be hurdles warning against roadworks, as well as other permanent obstacles with which contact ends in a spectacular crash. Driving a car is not very complicated. The most important thing is to keep driving forward and avoid contact with other vehicles. When returning to the track after a collision, remember about the afterburner, which will quickly help you reach maximum speed. However, turbocharging must be used in moderation, as it is depleted quickly and loaded back mercilessly long. It is also worth thinking about various gadgets, which we can buy at checkpoints, provided that we have the appropriate amount of cash, of course. Money is awarded for our time results at the end of a given stage. The sooner we deal with the episode, the more of them we get.
Visually, Turbo Outrun resembles games from the Lotus series. The look of other cars was realized in a similar way, the route looks almost identical. It is worth noting that from time to time the landscape changes, so that we do not die of boredom passing by the same buildings all the time.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Turbo OutRun Summary
PC / Windows
Turbo OutRun System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: 286, 640 KB RAM