Test Drive III: The Passion is the third installment of the legendary car simulation cycle. Unlike previous parts of the series, the game was created by Accolade's in-house development team and has a three-dimensional graphical environment. Players have the opportunity to taste the driving of three luxury cars - Chevrolet CERV III, Pinininfarina Mythos and Lamborghini Diablo.
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Test Drive III: The Passion Description
The third installment of the popular series of games entitled Test Drive, prepared for the first time in history by Accolade alone.
The biggest change from the previous parts, Test Drive III is a fully three-dimensional environment with several landscape elements, traditionally built using sprites. We can choose between three fairy tale cars: Chevrolet CERV III, Pinininfarina Mythos and Lamborghini Diablo. Unfortunately, you will not be able to fully enjoy the power flowing from the engines. Not only does the police keep an eye on the speed limits of road users, but it is also easy to get on natural obstacles when driving faster, which immediately results in the death of the driver. In this respect, the authors exaggerated with realism, killing all the pleasure of driving on the roads. It is true that the number of objects around the route can be reduced by reducing the level of detail, but what is the pleasure of driving through a desert-like desert?
Visually, the game gives a pleasant impression, which is related to the above mentioned three-dimensional environment. The authors took care of a large number of supporting elements, thanks to which the ride has become much more interesting. There was a working traffic light, at night it was possible to use the lights of the car, as well as wipers, when an insect was killed in a collision with the windscreen. Finally, you can use reverse gear, while manoeuvring the rear mirror is useful. For lovers of aesthetic impressions there has been prepared a view from several cameras, there is also a possibility of recording repetitions. Generally, all these options are a lot of fun, if you like riding around 30 mph, otherwise you will crash on the first, better pole, which is unfortunately the biggest drawback of the game.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
in Test Drive Game Series
Game Series
Test Drive Series
One of the oldest and most famous car game series in the history of the industry. The series was created by Distinctive Software studio, but over the years such development teams as Accolade, Eden Games, Pitbull Syndicate, Monster Games, Slightly Mad Studios and Kylotonn have also contributed to its development.
18 video games
Test Drive III: The Passion Summary
PC / Windows
Test Drive III: The Passion System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: 286, 640 KB RAM, VGA
Game Expansions for Test Drive III: The Passion
Test Drive III: Road & Car I
December 20, 1990
The Passion is the only official addition to Test Drive III: The Passion, which enriches the basic version of the game with two new cars (Dodge Stealth R/T Turbo and Acura NSX) and the premiere route: from Cape Cod to Niagara.