Star Wars: Lethal Alliance
Release Date: December 5, 2006
Action, TPP, science fiction, Star Wars, movies, multiplayer, singleplayer, LAN
In Star Wars: Lethal Alliance, the main character is the twi'lekanka Rianna Saren, who works as a mercenary. The protagonist is hired by Kyle Qatar to penetrate a warehouse on the planet Coruscant....
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance is the first Star Wars game released on PlayStation Portable and the second one, after Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, on Nintendo DS. The game’s story is set between the third (Revenge of the Sith) and the fourth (A New Hope) episode of the film saga. Fans of the universe created by George Lucas can easily guess that the story focuses on the first Death Star, one of the most lethal secrets of the Empire. Players take the role of Ryloth Rianna Saren and her faithful companion, droid Zeeo. Hired by the Alliance, they have to use their unique abilities to steal schematics of the battle station.
In order to succeed, you have to learn how to effectively use your characters’ abilities. Ryloth Rianna Saren is a well-armed and skilled acrobat. In turn, Droid Zeeo is great at hacking computers, but its main specialization is defense. On your way, you can meet well-known Star Wars characters – Princess Leia, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Kyle Katarn, and others.
Missions are scattered throughout various corners of the galaxy, e.g. the planet Coruscant, narrow streets of Mos Eisley; there are also locations new to the franchise (like Despayre world). Your journey is filled with spectacular chases, shootouts, and monster fighting. There are also sequences in which you have to distract guards with holograms. In multiplayer you can cooperate with other players using Wi-Fi connection.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Videos and Screens
[1:32] Star Wars: Lethal Alliance #2
[1:07] Star Wars: Lethal Alliance #1
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance Summary
Nintendo DS December 12, 2006
PlayStation Portable December 5, 2006
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance System Requirements
PlayStation Portable
Supports: memory card 32 MB